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Old 04-04-2010, 01:15 AM
kodadad kodadad is offline
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Default Re: need chemistry advice... ASAP

Okay here is the situation...

Not sure why but my tank has started cycling again.

I just tested everything...and nearly choked when the test results came out.

Everything has been looking great EXCEPT my toadstool. The toadstool has been opening up, but not for long and closes up more than I have ever seen when lights go out. I had a few people tell me he was just growing.... My Picasso looks normal.... no gasping for breath, he is eating and swimming normal etc.

Snails are super active, shrimp is doing his usual...

But.... here are the results.
The good..
Temp: 80.5
Sal: 1.0255
PH: 8.4 (api)
Alk: 10 (api)
Calcium: 480 (api)

The bad..
Nitrite: 0.1 (nutrafin)
Nitrate: 5 (nutrafin)
Phosphate: 0.5 (api)
Ammonia 2.4 (nutrafin)

Here is my dilemma... I have no premixed salt water at the moment. I have salt, but nothing mixed. I usually do, but I had decided to switch to NSW (natural sea water) and I am getting it delivered on Monday morning. So I didn't make up a new batch when I ran out.

So would you mix up a batch right away and do a 30% water change? or.... Mix up a batch let it sit for 24 hours then do a 30% change? Or lastly wait until the NSW comes monday morning and do the 30% change then

Is 30% enough?

Last edited by kodadad; 04-04-2010 at 01:50 AM.
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Old 04-04-2010, 01:42 AM
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Are you sure your test kit is accurate? I would cross-check with a different test kit to be sure first, since everything looks good (leathers do stuff like that once in a while, oftentimes culminating in a 'shed'... better move stuff away from it so the shed mucous doesn't fall on something and kill it).

Snails and shrimps are generally really sensitive to nitrite, so if they are still active and look normal I would assume that all is relatively well (except the test kit). Definitely check with a different kit to be sure.
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Old 04-04-2010, 01:46 AM
kodadad kodadad is offline
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hmm... now you have me wondering.

I am using all API kits except. Nitrate, Nitrite and Ammonia which a Hagan/nutrafin

I recently had a bad ph test kit from them that was ready totally wrong that they refunded.

Ill try and get it tested somewhere else tomorrow.
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Old 04-04-2010, 04:28 AM
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I would agree with bad test kits. I use all API except for MAG and have never had a bad kit ( knock on wood ). Would not trust Hagen kits, have heard a few people that have used them having the same problem. They are cheaper to buy for a reason.
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