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Old 01-12-2010, 05:00 PM
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Default Help with picking a coral

I've got a few spots in my tank where there is high light(5 inches from a 150MH, I know, not the highest), and is about 6 inches from a Koralia 3 powerhead. I've tried putting acans there, but they are showing signs of burning from the light. There is too much flow for frogspawns/torch's/hammer's, as the ones I have put there close up. It is on a slope, so I can't "glue" a clam there, or I would, as this seems like ideal conditions for them. I really want to avoid SPS due to the near perfect water quality required, and high demand on calcium. What other choices do I have?
240 gallon tank build:
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Old 01-12-2010, 09:19 PM
ScubaSteve ScubaSteve is offline
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I wouldn't shy away from SPS completely as there are some easier species to keep. I just made the dip into those waters recently myself and really, it ain't that bad.

Believe it or not, a lot of soft corals are good at taking high light. Check out some of the Advanced Aquartist articles online for some of the species. I think the article is called "How much light?". I threw a xenia frag in to my super high high light spot (about 5-6" below 150W MH w/ 2x65W actinics) without acclimating from from it's previously shaded spot and it loved it! (and yes, I was trying to see what kid of abuse it would take). My green sinularia also loves that spot as well.

My suggestion... go with a clam. I know you said you can't but I think with a little creativity you could manage. There is almost no such thing as too much light for those things! (You can again find that info in the Advanced Aquarist articles).
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Old 01-12-2010, 09:29 PM
ScubaSteve ScubaSteve is offline
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Oh, I guess I didn't really answer your question about corals. For my experience, these might work for you and be easy to keep:

- Montipora cap. (and since you say it's on a slope, it'd look pretty cool)
- Montipora danae (rainbow or superman monti)
- Sinularia
- Turbinaria
- Zoas
- Star Polyps
- Pretty much any other intertidal or shallow water species
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