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Old 12-13-2009, 04:20 AM
nanmer nanmer is offline
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Default Green BTA is not green??

I have three green BTA, at least they were when I bought them. I have PC lights that I supplement with MH. I feed them prawn pieces and many other goodies and they have huge appetites. They are growing like crazy. The problem is I would like them to be green and not the red/brown color they are at present. Is it a lighting thing or is there magical green fairy dust I must sprinkle at midnight???
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Old 12-13-2009, 05:55 AM
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red brown is good it meen that their photosynthetic cells are working they probably have a green tint where the bubble forms most of the time they are bleeched out and almost all there photo cells dead or some thing to that effect. If the BTA has regained its brownish color you are doing things right. My nems get fed every second day other than the carpet Nem as it may start hunting for other food like fish. My carpet nem gets fed every day neough to keep it happy and the clowns are now bringing it food also. What size tank do you have you may have to move or sell 1 or 2 of the BTA's Nem's geraly don't like compition and will get rid of it. BTA splits can reside in the same tank because they are the same animal. some thing to think about this maybe causing your trouble also a kind of diffence mechanism.


Last edited by bvlester; 12-13-2009 at 06:04 AM.
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Old 12-13-2009, 01:56 PM
nanmer nanmer is offline
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Thanks for all the info Bill! I have researched a lot and not been able to find such a great answer. I see pics of BTA and they are a nice green color, I was kind of worried. I have a 120 gallon tank and soon will be upgrading to 180 gallon. Each nem has their own area and after running around the tank for a week or so they have their special area. I have puffers and the nems eat what the puffers eat (squid, clam, shrimp, scallops). Family members take turns feeding, the kids love the sticky feel of the tentacles.
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Old 12-13-2009, 02:36 PM
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Carmen Carmen is offline
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I have found that the GBTA take on a nicer green hue under some T5 actinics.
Red Coral Online Store

45 Gallon Cube with 10 Gallon Sump, Lighting 8 bulb T5, Vertex IN 80 Skimmer
-2 Occelaris Clowns, Engineer Goby, RBTA, Peppermint Shrimp
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