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Old 07-18-2009, 04:58 AM
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Default Ich, just want to make sure I know what I am dealing with

So I have a nice pair of Percula's. When I brought them home and after acclimation so forth and so on. I noticed some white spots developing on these two fish. I understand that ich is part of the aquarium system and that fish, especially new, can show signs of it.

So, I thought I would try and capture a couple pics to see if this is ich or possibly some other parasite or disease. Currently these two fish are sitting in quarantine, they eat just fine, swim just fine and don't seem to really be bothered by it.

In the pictures below you can see the white spots (its more like white fuzzy globs or something) on the gills and dorsal fin. It looks like it wants to fall off but it just seems to be getting bigger. I just want to go in there and pick it off of them. Perhaps a cleaner shrimp for the quarantine tank after I get all the medication out.

The spots have become bigger and are starting elsewhere on their bodies now, I have started ich treatment for the past couple days, do 50% water changes every 2nd day. I finally found some Garlic Guard and will start soaking their food in garlic as well.

Does anyone have any suggestions for treatment or possibly confirm or suggestion what this is.

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Old 07-18-2009, 05:18 AM
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It's not ich. Looks like lymphocystis.
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