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Old 04-25-2009, 02:50 AM
Trigger Man Trigger Man is offline
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Default Finally got my Solar Wrasse out, now what?

I've had this Solar Wrasse for over a year and it has some of the best coloring I've ever seen on a Solar Wrasse. I put in a Laboutie Fairy Wrasse a couple of weeks ago, and the Solar Wrasse would attack it whenever it saw the Laboutie, causing the Laboutie to stay low in the tank. Well i finally got the Solar wrasse out, and the Laboutie is swimming all over the top of the tank. I do really love the coloring of Solar Wrasse, and was wondering what others thought about keeping the Solar Wrasse out of the Display for a few weeks and then putting it back in the display? Basically what are the odds of the two fish getting along after the extended timeout?
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Old 04-25-2009, 03:28 AM
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I had wrasse issues when I added an unknown type of lyretail wrasse into my system. I have a banana wrasse and he went nuts... I mean it was so bad the banana wrasse would be spitting out aquamarine scales from the new guy out. I was horrified. All the drama was over in about 3-4 day to my relief. I was really freaking out for awhile. Now they swim side by side and you would never know there ever was a problem.

I have no advise on what you should really do... However if it was my fish and it is not a huge issue to catch it... I would add him again in a couple of weeks. I believe all fish do have personalities and each one will respond differently. If it is an option to put him in the penalty box for a while, I would certainly try it. If the solar wrasse hasn't seriously hurt the other one by now... it is worth a shot. But then again that is just my opinion
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Old 04-25-2009, 04:09 AM
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I had a VERY similar issue with a blue sided wrasse and a new solar wrasse. Blue-sided would not even let the solar out of the rockwork! I ended up catching the Blue and placing him in the sump for 3 days. Once the Solar had established himself and started eating I added the blue back in. NO PROBLEMS! Not even 1 episode of chasing on either part so it definately worth a try! Especially if you think you can catch the solar again later if need be. I've always found my wrasses to be VERY easy to catch in the bottle trap OVER and OVER again! (They don't seem to learn...or are intensly food motivated!)
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Old 04-25-2009, 09:04 AM
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I've heard that keeping the aggressor (or the aggressee, preferably the smaller one I guess) separate from the the fish getting beat on by containing it in an in tank acrylic container (so they can see each other) for a few weeks sometimes works well for fairy and flasher wrasses.
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