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Old 12-23-2010, 05:24 AM
infamous infamous is offline
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Question Bicolor Chromis Just Hanging Out?

I just picked up a few Bicolor Chromis today, acclimated them appropriately, and put them in my tank. Two of them are doing just fine, but the third one is just hanging out in the back of the tank, not seeming to do very well. He seems to just kind of hover for a bit, and then float on his side until he almost gets to the top and then come back down and hover again. He looks physically healthy (although his back fin looks nipped, but I'm not sure that has anything to do with it) and for now I'm assuming he's kinda shy and needs a bit of warming up to the rest of the tank.

I've just never experienced a new addition quite like this before, and just wondering if this is more normal than I am thinking?
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Old 12-23-2010, 05:10 PM
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[quote=infamous;575529]I just picked up a few Bicolor Chromis today, acclimated them appropriately, and put them in my tank. Two of them are doing just fine, but the third one is just hanging out in the back of the tank, not seeming to do very well. He seems to just kind of hover for a bit, and then float on his side until he almost gets to the top and then come back down and hover again. He looks physically healthy (although his back fin looks nipped...

I had a bicolor do that also.
Every time I watched the tank from a distance, the other ones would attack it if it moved.
It died shortly there after...

So naturally I replaced it with another one, and now they have been fine for 3 months or so.
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Old 12-24-2010, 01:04 AM
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Might not be a bad idea to seperate him and reintroduce him when he is in better shape. Floating on his side is not a good thing. Also they will establish a pecking order when first introduced, this won't be good for a unhealthy fish and very well might lead to death.
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addition, bicolor chromis, normal

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