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Old 02-26-2008, 12:20 PM
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Default anyone have a fish shipped from the US? what paperwork is needed?

The fish I want to import does not fall under cites, legally I don't see why this wouldn't be allowed. Are the customs goons going to know that it doesn't fall under cites? Do they even know what cites is?

I've been looking for hours and can't find any solid info. I need to figure this out by today or I'll miss out on the chance to get a new flame. Even if that does happen I'd still like to know how to do this in the future.

What additional paperwork would I need? Would picking up at the fedex hub enable me to speak to customs should a problem arise? Any info / thoughts / suggestions? If I have the guy simply label it as "Cirrhilabrus jordani" and include the fishbase info which shows the fish is not be enough?

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Old 02-26-2008, 07:38 PM
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Curious why you would go to all the trouble for such a common, cheap, fish???
Order from a canadian store and be done with it...
Support your local store, or at least a Canadian store....
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Old 02-26-2008, 09:03 PM
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Common cheap fish? Please post where you shop right now UnderWorldAquatics!!!

The cost of a male flame wrasse shipped from Hawaii costs more than the most expensive fish most people have in their tanks, let alone incorporating profit for the LFS. But I guess expensive is a sliding scale for some...I have some expensive fish (mater pair of crosshatch triggers, black tang, mystery wrasse) and I do not find this fish cheap at all.

I may consider getting the LFS to try and get these for you as well. They can be tough to acclimate as they are typically a deepwater species not known to be ever be caught in less than 60' of water. At the same time, I sent you some info you may find useful.

Originally Posted by UnderWorldAquatics View Post
Curious why you would go to all the trouble for such a common, cheap, fish???
Order from a canadian store and be done with it...
Support your local store, or at least a Canadian store....
I'm out.
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Old 02-26-2008, 09:45 PM
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Im not sure what your paying? But I see alot of folks trying to order from the USA for a savings of $100-$200, after all the time and effort, waiting at airports, clearing customs, extra driving....the list goes on...
And how much do you save after you pay for shipping a box filled with water(heavy). Are you really saving anything??? Unless your getting into $1000+ marine life, your usually wasting time, money, and poluting the reefs with all your extra driving.... When you see a fish for sale in the USA for less then you can get it locally, start adding up all the costs involved to ship it to your door....
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Old 02-27-2008, 01:50 AM
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show me a store in Canada that has super males.

I don't just want a regular flame, it must be a supermale.

Dave the info was helpful thanks a lot.

These aren't SUPER EXPENSIVE, but they are about as high as I would pay for a fish and the fish I want the most. My former flame made my reef and without him it wasn't worth keeping so I tore it down. He died in a tragic epoxy accident. (I used tainted aquarium epoxy).

Again if there's a store in Canada that has a super male please direct me to them and I'll gladly buy it from them and send them a thank you card in addition.
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Old 02-27-2008, 02:21 AM
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there are no fish available in the USA that your local store in Canada could not order in for you...
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Old 02-27-2008, 02:34 AM
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another thread about importing with a few links
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Old 02-27-2008, 02:40 AM
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Originally Posted by UnderWorldAquatics View Post
there are no fish available in the USA that your local store in Canada could not order in for you...
They can order it all they want, but is it going to come in?

also what happens when its a plain male / female and they want their $$$

If I wait a couple years I'm sure I could get another but I don't want to wait years. Months maybe but I'd rather just do the work myself if they can't come through.

No offense to the shops I shop at not they are on here. I love them, I'm there all the time ect but they can't do everything.
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Old 02-27-2008, 02:55 AM
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The economy of scale is starting to show its effects too. I've been after some things for years and they're constantly available in the U.S., and never available here. I have standing requests for many things that shouldn't be a problem to get and yet .. years on there's still nothing. Yet I see the same things available at U.S. vendors every week, week after week, and at really low prices too. It's frustrating and I've come close to considering importing fish now myself too. I'd MUCH prefer to support my local shops though.. so for now .. I wait ... and wait .... and wait ... grow a little older ... and wait some more. This is sort of a ridiculous hobby sometimes.
-- Tony
My next hobby will be flooding my basement while repeatedly banging my head against a brick wall and tearing up $100 bills. Whee!
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Old 02-27-2008, 11:48 AM
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Exactly. All stores recieve fish lists with great, unusual and expensive fish some hobbiests wait years to buy.......but only a small handful of stores ever receive one or two specimens in Canada, and rarely. Just because a fish is on a list does not mean a store will receive one just becuase they order (I know this first hand myself now...).

I have ordered fish from a LFS and waited more than 9 months and it never showed fact they have still not received one 3 years later. That being said, I always try to get it at my LFS as well.

Andrew - in your opinion, what makes the "supermale" a supermale in your opinion? Can a regular male not become a supermale in the presence of females of the same species?

Originally Posted by Delphinus View Post
The economy of scale is starting to show its effects too. I've been after some things for years and they're constantly available in the U.S., and never available here. I have standing requests for many things that shouldn't be a problem to get and yet .. years on there's still nothing. Yet I see the same things available at U.S. vendors every week, week after week, and at really low prices too. It's frustrating and I've come close to considering importing fish now myself too. I'd MUCH prefer to support my local shops though.. so for now .. I wait ... and wait .... and wait ... grow a little older ... and wait some more. This is sort of a ridiculous hobby sometimes.
I'm out.
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