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Old 01-13-2007, 08:19 AM
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Default LTA Shrinking - possible problems?

I got home tonight after waiting in the very, very cold night for my bus which happened to arrive over half an hour late. Needless to say I wasn't tickled, but so be it.

I go to look at my tank, like I do every night, and I see my LTA, which the night before was expanded and flowing wonderfully is now starting to shrink and deflate its tentacles. My first thought was that it was expelling waste, but as this was still going on when I just checked, I figured there might be a concern.

It was about 10pm when I noticed this, and my photoperiod is on from about 2 to 11, so this was right at the end.

I have 2 LT anemones, both in approximately the same light (and both clones from the same mother), but this is the only one deflated.

I haven't had a chance to do a parameter check, however all other corals in the tank are doing fine.

The only anomoly to the situation was that my temp was up a few degrees (to 81) when I checked, I do not believe it'd gone up further than that, but I can't say for certain. I'll take a pic tomorrow, but if there are any thoughts as to why there would be such a dramatic change within a 20 hour period, I'd appreciate the input.


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Old 01-13-2007, 08:28 AM
SeaHorse_Fanatic SeaHorse_Fanatic is offline
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It's perfectly normal for anemones to shrivel up like that. Mine do it every once in a while, sometimes the day after I feed, other times it just happens.

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Old 01-13-2007, 06:09 PM
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Pooping would be my guess. Sometimes they just expel all their water too, if they've had a recent heavy feeding, for example, or are acclimating to new conditions, and so on. If it's just occasional it's not really anything to fret over. (Although if it's frequent like daily, it's not a good sign, but if it's just once, then it's probably nothing.)

Also if after spawning they can be deflated for days. But trust me, you'll know if they spawn on you.
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Old 01-13-2007, 07:35 PM
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Thanks Anthony, Tony..

Things seem greatly improved already this morning before we had to go out.

I figured "pooping" would be the most likely situation, my only concern was that it was ongoing over a period of hours and from research, pooping usually happens within an hour of deflation, and I did give them a big feed the night before.

Either way, it's better now. Just such a dramatic shift from the day before!
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