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Old 01-12-2005, 02:01 AM
fishguyxd fishguyxd is offline
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Default looking for info on lighting please

I eventually want to have a nice reef type tank with all regular coral I guess soft and hard types but I really dont know which type of lighting I should look at. I like the aqualight with the lunar lights as well. How much is required again for reef I was told 3-5 watts /per gal I have a 72 bow 24 inch deep would a coralite with 2 pc 65 watt and 2 artinic be an ok start or do I go for aqualight pro with 1 or 2 mh in that setup and a beefy $$$ to go with it or should I make my own.?????? or look at a different brand .

signed AL
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Old 01-12-2005, 02:25 AM
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mr_alberta mr_alberta is offline
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Hi Al,

Making your own is always cheaper than buying a premade setup. This, however, usually requires you to wire up electrical components and may require some wood working. If you are comfortable with both of these things, then I say DIY.

Now, for a 24" deep tank, I would use at least 250W MH. The problem is not the wattage of the bulb, but the depth of your tank. Metal Halides should be able to "punch through" to the bottom of your tank and provide enough light for whatever you want to keep.

Of couse, MH is not the only option. VHO work well and I have seen some amazing tanks lit only by VHO. T5 are also another option that a lot of people seem to like. Your PC are ok too, but may have trouble providing enough useful light to reach the bottom of your tank.
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Old 01-12-2005, 04:06 AM
SeaHorse_Fanatic SeaHorse_Fanatic is offline
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I would skip the 65w PCs. I find them weak for anything but the low-med light requiring softies & LPS. If temperature/ventilation is not a problem for your system, go straight to MH & save your $$. If you really want PC, look @ 96w systems instead. As you become more confident in your ability to keep corals alive & thriving, you'll most likely want to keep harder, more light-demanding species. This would mean a substantial upgrade so learn from all those others (me included) who went with PC & will now need to/or have upgraded to MH.

As an example, I would love to keep crocea or maxima clams but will have to be satisfied with Derasas & Squamosas until my next tank with MH.


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