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Old 01-07-2017, 04:30 AM
1bigfish 1bigfish is offline
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Default Starting back up where to go

So I'm getting close to starting up my tank again.i used to go to oceanic but they are gone now?
Where is everyone going now?
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Old 01-07-2017, 05:49 AM
zhasan zhasan is offline
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I don't know where oceanic was but there are many options out there.

Roger's on Scott Road in surrey considering you're in Fraser Valley.
Also Paul's Aquarium behind Costco on King George Highway.
J&L is a popular spot in Burnaby/PoCo area.
King Ed Pets in Vancouver on Kingsway.
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Old 01-07-2017, 11:45 AM
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Rogers no longer sells salty stuff. Pauls is pretty questionable too. JL and King Eds are the main two. There is also a place in Langley on production way called fish addicts that sells salty fish.
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Old 01-07-2017, 03:53 PM
1bigfish 1bigfish is offline
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Thanks for the ideas, I also found a place in abbotsford called pet lovers. He has a lot of saltwater stuff there.
Looks like I may drive over the bridge to j&l.
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Old 01-07-2017, 04:30 PM
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Originally Posted by 1bigfish View Post
Thanks for the ideas, I also found a place in abbotsford called pet lovers. He has a lot of saltwater stuff there.
Looks like I may drive over the bridge to j&l.
I have had nothing but bad luck with fish from Pet Lovers. Id be willing to bet that unlike J&L who promises they don't get fish from cyanide caught sources.... Even the few fish who didn't have ick and appeared healthy just wasted away into nothing after a month or 2.
Perhaps they may be okay for corals that receive a very strong dip, or supplies.

J&L is still the best for everything IMO. Worth the drive.

Aquariums west has minimal and they seem fairly expensive for livestock but I didn't encounter any issues when I have gone. Never bought fish from them.

Fish Addicts seems to lack any and all education or morals on reef fish, and I have had them try and sell me some severely ick infected fish while the owner is trying to convince me its totally fine to put them in my tank because he gave them a dose of some chemical. Have also overheard him giving horribly bad advice to other new reefers while I was glancing through the store to see if they had "improved" after a few months. Horrible state of some more fish this time too. This store just irks me.

Never actually bought fish/coral from King eds.
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Old 01-07-2017, 05:02 PM
1bigfish 1bigfish is offline
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I appreciate you taking the time to post all that information. Very informative and seals the deal j&l sounds like the place to go.
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Old 01-08-2017, 12:54 AM
sobe sobe is offline
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I have bought saltwater fish from King eds unfortunately sad to say none have survived a month or two even though prices there were better back when dollar was still good. I'd go to J&L if I'd want to buy fish. I don't have experience with other lfs for salty fishes.

If you are looking for corals, best bet is to go through fellow reefers for the basics as it cost less. I know we should support our local lfs but I can't justify spending big bucks on a frag that can be had for 1/4 or 1/3 of a price.
Unless you are looking for hard to find stuff.
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