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Old 11-01-2015, 01:38 AM
Beast Beast is offline
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Default Thoughts on 60 gal stock


I have always had a light fish load to minimize maintenance. Right now I have a 60 gal cube with a 30 gal sump and refugium. The tank is stocked with stony corals and some lps, all pretty small since this tank is only about 8 months old and I start with $10 frags. The animals consist of one half grown starry blend and one super old yellow tang from my previous setup. I wouldn't normally have that animal in this tank, just that it's a very very old animal and doesn't actually seem to care about the size.

I wanted to add a flasher wrasse and a jawfish to this, but also a dragnette when it got much more mature - in a couple of years. The tang might very well be dead by then because it's over 20 years old right now... What I was curious about is if I could actually add two wrasses - a McCoskers and a Yellowfin flasher or even a male/female pair. I've read that the flashers hold their color when you have more than one but tend to fade if you do only have the one.

So the final load in a couple of years:

Two flasher wrasses
Starry Blenny (already have it)
Yellow head jawfish
Mandarin Dragonette
Geriatric Yellow Tang (can be aggressive.. can be pacified with a yellow post-it note on the tank glass)

Bunch of random acros
Duncan coral
some random mushrooms

One fish, Two fish, Red fish, Blue fish
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Old 11-01-2015, 06:40 PM
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I'd be leery of adding the Dragonet until you are sure you have an established and thriving pod population(added my dragonet 14 months after I setup my 95 gallon and only after I added Tigger pods) and even then I supplement my tank once a year with tigger pods just to makes sure mine is well fed

As to coral you have a decent mix there but be warned your mushrooms can grow very fast and block out your other corals as they can grow anywhere.
My aquarium is nothing but a smorgasbord for my cats.....
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Old 11-02-2015, 04:21 AM
Beast Beast is offline
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I've noticed that about the mushrooms already. Put one in 4 months ago and now they are covering about a 10 square area. I have to try to pick them off. I think I can get under the foot with a finger nail.

I might not go for the dragonette. I always did want one but the way they don't acclimate is worrisome. I have a great little refugium but I bet one of those fish could devour everything in a couple of days. People have switched them to frozen but I heard the best way was to mix frozen with live mycis - which you can't get locally..
One fish, Two fish, Red fish, Blue fish
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