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Old 06-20-2015, 12:37 AM
reefwars reefwars is offline
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Default lps for sale- YYC ( acanthophyllia, Aussie warpaint scoly, various euphyllia )

Hey guys were going to be moving soon and me and the wife are going to be changing some things around in our display and going more towards zoas only so we want to clear out some things now before we move to make things easy

We can give an awesome deal to someone who takes it all or for multiple pieces

I'll post a couple pics later but if interested shoot me a pm or text at 14034016200 it's first come first serve shipping can be made available but due to size of these I'd prefer local calgary sale

Heres what we have :

1 x large " bleeding apple" acanthophyllia ( opens up to 8") - $100
1 x med "bulls eye " acanthophyllia ( opens to about 5- 6")-$150
1 x Aussie warpaint scolymia (about 4-5 " ) -$150
1 x large Aussie golden torch (about 6 or 7 heads ) -$300
1 x large neon green Aussie wall hammer (6") -$125
1 x large neon geen Aussie octospawn (branching)-$100
1 x large neon green bubble coral (opens to about 6 to 8")-$50
1 x blue eyed girl lepto -$25 (3")
Green with purple tips branching hammer(10 to 12 large heads) -$100
1 x green with orange eyed chalice ( 3 x 3") -$25
Fat head dendros -$15 per head
Various small chalices and favias -$10-20 each
3" green sinularia leather -$10
Large white tipped long tentacle toadstool leather (8 " top)-$30
Fiji yellow leather (3-4" top) -$25
Rose bubble tip anemone (3-5") $40 (add a anemone shrimp for $15)

Gorgonian frags - about 2" frags (photosynthetic) -corky , ORA grube, purple frilly , bottlebrush ) -$10 each
Large neon green aussie favia (about 8") -$50
2 x large favia on a large 8 x 3" tile (red and green and purple and green ) -$60
1 x pom pom xenia (3") -$15

Plus I'm sure some other small items we don't want

Text or pm for info or pics (403)4016200
Old 06-20-2015, 01:25 AM
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Hey id like to come check out some stuff tomorrow if that works ?

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10 gal AIO par27 full spectrum Reef
Old 06-20-2015, 01:47 AM
F.H F.H is offline
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if your prices are "-$50" , does that mean you give us $50 to take them away??

Old 06-20-2015, 02:59 AM
reefwars reefwars is offline
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Originally Posted by Portuguesenrg View Post
Hey id like to come check out some stuff tomorrow if that works ?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Shoot me a pm or text but that works for sure
Old 06-20-2015, 03:04 AM
reefwars reefwars is offline
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Some shots sorry they are all in our display so some are gard to get shots of lol

Old 06-20-2015, 03:32 AM
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Very nice stuff wish I was there lol
Old 06-20-2015, 04:03 AM
reefwars reefwars is offline
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Hey guys

We have tons of pms for shipping and here's the story , preference will be given to those who take multiple pieces shipping 8 pieces to 8 different places in canada is a little more work then I'm up for so I'll go through pms and texts and make a decision on what's what and who gets what shortly
Old 06-20-2015, 02:31 PM
reefwars reefwars is offline
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We are having people over today if anyone else wants to Come check it out we're in Brentwood nw
Old 06-20-2015, 10:49 PM
reefwars reefwars is offline
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Default update

1 x large " bleeding apple" acanthophyllia ( opens up to 8") - $100-pending sale
1 x med "bulls eye " acanthophyllia ( opens to about 5- 6")-$150
1 x Aussie warpaint scolymia (about 4-5 " ) -$150
1 x large Aussie golden torch (about 6 or 7 heads ) -$300- pending sale
1 x large neon green Aussie wall hammer (6") -$125- pending sale
1 x large neon geen Aussie octospawn (branching)-$100
1 x large neon green bubble coral (opens to about 6 to 8")-$50 - sold
1 x blue eyed girl lepto -$25 (3")
Green with purple tips branching hammer(10 to 12 large heads) -$100
1 x green with orange eyed chalice ( 3 x 3") -$25
Fat head dendros -$15 per head - few left
Various small chalices and favias -$10-20 each
3" green sinularia leather -$10
Large white tipped long tentacle toadstool leather (8 " top)-$30
Fiji yellow leather (3-4" top) -$25
Rose bubble tip anemone (3-5") $40 (add a anemone shrimp for $15)

Gorgonian frags - about 2" frags (photosynthetic) -corky , ORA grube, purple frilly , bottlebrush ) -$10 each
Large neon green aussie favia (about 8") -$50
2 x large favia on a large 8 x 3" tile (red and green and purple and green ) -$60
1 x pom pom xenia (3") -$15
Old 06-22-2015, 04:44 AM
reefwars reefwars is offline
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This is what's left price drop on the leathers

1 x med "bulls eye " acanthophyllia ( opens to about 5- 6")-$150
1 x Aussie warpaint scolymia (about 4-5 " ) -$150
1 x large neon geen Aussie octospawn (branching)-$100
1 x blue eyed girl lepto -$25 (3")
Green with purple tips branching hammer(10 to 12 large heads) -$100
1 x green with orange eyed chalice ( 3 x 3") -$25
Fat head denleathets $15 per head
3" green sinularia leather -$5
Large white tipped long tentacle toadstool leather (8 " top)-$25
Fiji yellow leather (3-4" top) -$20
Rose bubble tip anemone (3-5") $40 (add a anemone shrimp for $15)

Gorgonian frags - about 2" frags (photosynthetic) -corky , ORA grube, purple frilly , bottlebrush ) -$10 each
Large neon green aussie favia (about 8") -$50
2 x large favia on a large 8 x 3" tile (red and green and purple and green ) -$60
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