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Old 05-27-2015, 07:11 PM
FishingGoalie FishingGoalie is offline
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Default Blue Throat Trigger help

Hi ive had a blue throat trigger for around 8 months and all was going well. Within the last week hes been hiding almost constantly and not eating the last 2-3 days. All other fish seem fine and nothing is visibly wrong.

Ammonia is 0
Nitrates and phosphates are undetectable
Salinity is 1.025
Temp is 78
And ph is 8.1-8.25

Anyone have any ideas?
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Old 05-27-2015, 07:54 PM
Taipan Taipan is offline
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This is just a complete wild guess and random thought (since your other fish don't seem to be affected.) : do you have a grounding probe? Perhaps a stray current? Some species are more sensitive than others.
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Old 05-27-2015, 08:33 PM
George George is offline
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How does the fish look in term of physical appearance? Is it thin? Is it possible to take a (head on) picture?
The reasons I asked because there are something else that can happen inside a fish. For example, did you quarantine all your fish? how about the trigger? It may have internal parasites.
Another thing that came to my mind is cyanide poison. Many of this trigger come from indo-pacific where using of cyanide is wide-spread. A cyanide poison fish can appear fine for a few months and going down hill from there.
If it was my fish I would put it in a separate tank (QT), observe and treat whatever it is.
What other fish in the same tank? Do you happen to have a lion fish in there also?
Good luck!
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Old 05-28-2015, 12:43 AM
FishingGoalie FishingGoalie is offline
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Originally Posted by George View Post
How does the fish look in term of physical appearance? Is it thin? Is it possible to take a (head on) picture?
The reasons I asked because there are something else that can happen inside a fish. For example, did you quarantine all your fish? how about the trigger? It may have internal parasites.
Another thing that came to my mind is cyanide poison. Many of this trigger come from indo-pacific where using of cyanide is wide-spread. A cyanide poison fish can appear fine for a few months and going down hill from there.
If it was my fish I would put it in a separate tank (QT), observe and treat whatever it is.
What other fish in the same tank? Do you happen to have a lion fish in there also?
Good luck!
In reply to the first person yes i have a grounding probe and i dont think theres any stray voltage, or none that i can tell.

Fish looks perfect. And not thin at all actually pretty fat but he only hasnt been eating for 2-3 days so who knows.
I quarantined my trigger for a month and nothing was dosed as nothing was visibly wrong.

Fish is in a tank with a yellow tang vlamingi tang blue tang emperor angel royal gramma 2 spot blenny 2 pilot fish mystery wrasse christmas wrasse leipard wrasse 3 clownfish flame angel 2 chromis bangai cardinal longhorn cowfish

No lionfish. That i know of lol.
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Old 05-28-2015, 03:28 AM
George George is offline
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ok, watch for aggression also. There are some aggressive fish in there, the tangs and emperor.
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Old 05-28-2015, 04:11 AM
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Originally Posted by FishinGoalie View Post
In reply to the first person yes i have a grounding probe and i dont think theres any stray voltage, or none that i can tell.
No offence, but does that mean that you've actually used a multi-meter to check ?
Whether or not it's the source of the issue, it definitely doesn't hurt to check annually.

Originally Posted by FishinGoalie View Post
Fish looks perfect. And not thin at all actually pretty fat but he only hasnt been eating for 2-3 days so who knows.
I quarantined my trigger for a month and nothing was dosed as nothing was visibly wrong.
Again, no offence, but QT for a month is nothing.

So let's just assume you added it directly to your tank (for sake of QT long-term arguments).
The fact that you've had it for 8 months says something about it's health, but what have you added to the tank since then ? Including corals ?
Anything you add to your tank can affect even the most healthy of fishes, so never assume anything.

Originally Posted by FishinGoalie View Post
Fish is in a tank with a yellow tang vlamingi tang blue tang emperor angel royal gramma 2 spot blenny 2 pilot fish mystery wrasse christmas wrasse leipard wrasse 3 clownfish flame angel 2 chromis bangai cardinal longhorn cowfish

No lionfish. That i know of lol.
What are the sizes of the other fishes ? Is the trigger being bullied ?

A proper diet for Triggers is important, just as any other fish with a specific diet.
Have you been feeding the trigger lots of meaty foods and shells that it can chew on ?
Triggers need shells to grind their 'teeth' down with.
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Old 05-29-2015, 03:41 PM
FishingGoalie FishingGoalie is offline
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Originally Posted by gregzz4 View Post
No offence, but does that mean that you've actually used a multi-meter to check ?
Whether or not it's the source of the issue, it definitely doesn't hurt to check annually.

Again, no offence, but QT for a month is nothing.

So let's just assume you added it directly to your tank (for sake of QT long-term arguments).
The fact that you've had it for 8 months says something about it's health, but what have you added to the tank since then ? Including corals ?
Anything you add to your tank can affect even the most healthy of fishes, so never assume anything.

What are the sizes of the other fishes ? Is the trigger being bullied ?

A proper diet for Triggers is important, just as any other fish with a specific diet.
Have you been feeding the trigger lots of meaty foods and shells that it can chew on ?
Triggers need shells to grind their 'teeth' down with.
No offence taken. Yes i check every month with a volt meter and about 6 months ago i had to replace a heater due to stray voltage. Since then its been fine.

For adding stuff i recently coverted the tank to a fowlr. With a couple left over corals i still need to sell.

All other fish are prettu small. The biggest fish is probably the christmas wrasse that is around 5-6 inches long. Ive never seen the trigger get bullied so i dont think it is. Im going to take the emperor angel out as i think thats the problem he doesnt seem to chase or bully the trigger but i think the trigger is afraid of him.

As for food the tank is definitly over fed with 4-6 cubes of multiple foods. As well as homemade food which inlcudes nori shrimp clams scallops mysis and some brine as well. I also feed them live clams 2-4 times a week. There is also about half a sheet of nori a day.

Im going to try and catch my emperor angel this weekend and see what happens as i have to catch the pilot fish anyways.
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