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Old 11-24-2014, 04:59 AM
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Default Recent fish deaths...

Just curious if anyone else has had problems with fish from j&l lately.
Not slagging them at all.
Have lost the four fish I aquired from them in the last couple weeks and am curious if others have had issues.
A friend of mine was at the store on the weekend and mentioned he saw half the tanks empty.

I still think JL is the best place to shop, just looking to see if there is any similar experiences
265 gal reef display, 60 gal sump, 20 gal fuge, +/- a few other tanks
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Old 11-24-2014, 05:49 AM
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Jl is doing a clean up. Slowly doing each tank..
I have bought 3 fish recently and no issues
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Old 11-24-2014, 05:58 AM
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Glad to hear that.
265 gal reef display, 60 gal sump, 20 gal fuge, +/- a few other tanks
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Old 11-24-2014, 01:18 PM
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How long are the fish in transit? What temperature is the water when you receive them? What is your acclimation process?

There's a big difference between the two of you...assuming the OP is getting fish shipped, and the other fellow is picking them up himself.
~ Mindy

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Old 11-24-2014, 03:01 PM
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I have been buying from JL for about the last 10 years, and will continue to do so.
My travel time is about 6hrs, but this has never posed an issue in the past.
I bought inverts at the same times and they are all fine, just trying to track down unexpected fish deaths.
265 gal reef display, 60 gal sump, 20 gal fuge, +/- a few other tanks
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Old 11-24-2014, 03:07 PM
reefwars reefwars is offline
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What type of fish and were they new arrivals or recent?
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Old 11-24-2014, 07:19 PM
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Originally Posted by bloat View Post
I have been buying from JL for about the last 10 years, and will continue to do so.
My travel time is about 6hrs, but this has never posed an issue in the past.
I bought inverts at the same times and they are all fine, just trying to track down unexpected fish deaths.
Ok. So you have lots of experience with this vendor and acclimating fish in the past. However, we do need more the guy above posted. Has anything you end been different? IE: more sensitive fish, a different acclimation process than usual, new lighting in the tank, etc.

It's always a good idea to ask the vendor when the fish came in when purchasing. If the fish has been in the store for less than about 30 hours it can be quite stressful to move them again so quickly. Maybe if J&L is doing a clean up of their tanks they are keeping less stock and therefore turnover might be quicker. There are lots of variables, if nothing on your end is any different, then start asking more questions when you purchase.
~ Mindy

SPS fanatic.

Last edited by Myka; 11-24-2014 at 07:23 PM.
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