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Old 01-30-2014, 12:50 AM
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Default Catch a baby brittle star (?)

I had added a small brittle star (as identified by a few seasoned hobbyists) to my aquarium a few weeks back. A few days ago I had bought a cleaner shrimp who sat on the underside of a rock, and ended up dead a few minutes later. Thinking it might have been a dud, I purchased another (from another store). He has been in the tank for 3 days and has been awesome. Then tonight he sat on the underside of the same rock, and I noticed he couldn't move his legs. His little swimmers were fine, he was moving his antennae, but his long legs weren't working. He kind of floundered around and I ended up having to turn off my pumps so he wouldn't get flung everywhere.

Then it hit me that the rock that both sat on is where the brittle star disappeared when I put it in the tank. Is it possible that said star is able to paralyse prey? All fish, crabs, and snails are fine. Mr. Shrimp 2 has not died (it's been about 20 miutes), and he's still fluttering around, sitting in the sand in his cave. I can't turn the flow on though as it is still pushing him around.

Either way, I want the creepy star out of my tank. I removed 3 suspected pieces of rock, and have them soaking in a fresh water dip. If he isn't in these rocks, is there another way to try to coax him out, or should I take out all my LR (around 30 lbs). My goby and my firefish would hate it, but if it is the creepy star who is the culprit, I don't want to risk it killing something else.
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Old 01-30-2014, 12:51 AM
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Oh and I haven't changed anything in my tank since I added my new shrimp.

Ammonia 0
Nitrate 0
Nitrite 0
Phosphate 0.25 (I know its high)
PH 8.2
SG 1.024
Temp 79F
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Old 01-30-2014, 01:00 AM
denny_C denny_C is offline
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sure its not a serpent star?
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Old 01-30-2014, 01:06 AM
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I don't know what it is to be honest. I was going on trust. Here is a thread from when I found the bugger.

Last edited by tlhood; 01-30-2014 at 01:08 AM.
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Old 01-30-2014, 01:24 AM
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Update: Whatever creepy star was, it appears to be dead. I took a turkey baster and pumped air through all the holes in the rock, and he came shooting out the other side. Only 1 and 1/2 of his legs are still coloured, the rest are white. I don't know if he kicked the bucket a long time ago or not. Either way, I don't need to worry about him anymore.

Mr. Shrimp is still hovering around in the sand, eating. Long legs still not working... Put an air stone in the tank to help keep water moving a bit while pumps are off.
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Old 01-30-2014, 01:25 AM
FishingGoalie FishingGoalie is offline
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Originally Posted by tlhood View Post
I had added a small brittle star (as identified by a few seasoned hobbyists) to my aquarium a few weeks back. A few days ago I had bought a cleaner shrimp who sat on the underside of a rock, and ended up dead a few minutes later. Thinking it might have been a dud, I purchased another (from another store). He has been in the tank for 3 days and has been awesome. Then tonight he sat on the underside of the same rock, and I noticed he couldn't move his legs. His little swimmers were fine, he was moving his antennae, but his long legs weren't working. He kind of floundered around and I ended up having to turn off my pumps so he wouldn't get flung everywhere.

Then it hit me that the rock that both sat on is where the brittle star disappeared when I put it in the tank. Is it possible that said star is able to paralyse prey? All fish, crabs, and snails are fine. Mr. Shrimp 2 has not died (it's been about 20 miutes), and he's still fluttering around, sitting in the sand in his cave. I can't turn the flow on though as it is still pushing him around.

Either way, I want the creepy star out of my tank. I removed 3 suspected pieces of rock, and have them soaking in a fresh water dip. If he isn't in these rocks, is there another way to try to coax him out, or should I take out all my LR (around 30 lbs). My goby and my firefish would hate it, but if it is the creepy star who is the culprit, I don't want to risk it killing something else.

Hi not trying to steal this thread but this also brought up my attention thinking that i also have something like this except not killing anything.
I have pictures i will attach to help determine what is is.
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Old 01-30-2014, 01:27 AM
reefwars reefwars is offline
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Brittle stars are harmless.

Bring a water sample to concept and get it tested

Any fish in your tank?
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Old 01-30-2014, 01:38 AM
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Originally Posted by reefwars View Post
Brittle stars are harmless.

Bring a water sample to concept and get it tested

Any fish in your tank?
A yellow watchman goby
Purple Firefish
2 black clowns
5 Hermits
4 Astrea
5 Nerite
1 cerith
1 Nassarius
1 Porcelain crab

Clowns have been in for probably a month. Firefish and Goby around 2 weeks.

No crabs or snails have gone missing. All fish look good.

Mr. Shrimp is kicking 2 legs around, and bounced toward some sea weed I put at the front of his cave, however still can't use his entire right side.
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Old 01-30-2014, 01:40 AM
ScubaSteve ScubaSteve is offline
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And just to make sure, you're not dosing any chemicals or anything? Did you use silicone anywhere and are you sure it was the right kind of silicone?

What you are describing sounds like a chemical problem. Magnesium Sulphate, which people dose to raise mag levels, is a paralytic to inverts and can cause the paralysis you are describing (which can lead to suffocation and death). Petroleum distillates, that are added to silicone as an anti-mildew agent, can have the same effect.

Can you think of any chemicals that have been in or around the tank?

Definitely take the water in to Concept and have it looked at. I'd be gearing up for a water change in any case.
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Old 01-30-2014, 01:45 AM
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Originally Posted by ScubaSteve View Post
And just to make sure, you're not dosing any chemicals or anything? Did you use silicone anywhere and are you sure it was the right kind of silicone?

What you are describing sounds like a chemical problem. Magnesium Sulphate, which people dose to raise mag levels, is a paralytic to inverts and can cause the paralysis you are describing (which can lead to suffocation and death). Petroleum distillates, that are added to silicone as an anti-mildew agent, can have the same effect.

Can you think of any chemicals that have been in or around the tank?

Definitely take the water in to Concept and have it looked at. I'd be gearing up for a water change in any case.
I have not used silicone, and the only thing I put in the tank recently was a reef probiotic booster I got from Pisces. I haven't dosed any chemicals. The only thing I changed today was my carbon filter.
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