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Old 07-21-2004, 02:17 AM
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Default Heat Wave Casualty

I was just begining to think I was going to make it through this damn heat with no damage, then I found my Flame Angel floating this evening. Had it for 1 year and 1 month. Extremely hardy, got along with everyone, brilliant splash of colour in the tank. Gone. Was just starting to get that plump look you see in mature fish. So long Scorch, miss you already.

I haven't lost a fish in a while, feels worse every time.
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Old 07-21-2004, 02:23 AM
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Default Re: Heat Wave Casualty

Originally Posted by cptclever
I So long Scorch, miss you already.
Your Flame angel named Scorch dies from heat?? What are the odds?

What temps was your tank reaching anyways?? I'm used to these BC guys having problems...

Sorry to hear about your fish, sounds like you were very fond of it.
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Old 07-21-2004, 02:45 AM
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sorry to hear of your lost. I can sympathize, I lost my fairy wrass a few weeks ago to the same reason. My temp got up to 90F. Only advice is to circulate the water and air as much as possible.
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Old 07-21-2004, 04:12 AM
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Temperature topped 32 yesterday, late afternoon. It had been hovering around the 30 mark for days. I have a 55 without sump, fuge or anything too intricate, don't even have powerful lights I could keep off for a break. Have had to settle with opening the hood and a fan blowing across the surface. Think I might try the frozen water bottle idea if the heat keeps up.
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Old 07-21-2004, 05:19 AM
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Btw, with all the recent posts, I thought I'd chime in here. I'm only running a 1x96w 50/50 on my tank (38g). The temp was up to around 82 (normally around 79). By just putting a small dinky fan, about 5' away from the tank, its brought my temp down to around 79-78.
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Old 07-21-2004, 07:25 AM
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I had my new lights set to come on and had to go out to work that day....85 with no problems.

As I have said before I just don't run the MH lights much in high temps, but I was admiring my new HQI.

Also the tanks are on the lower level. I'd never have a tank upstairs in Calgary, if I didn't have air conditioning or a chiller..
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Old 07-21-2004, 02:39 PM
guysmiley guysmiley is offline
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Default Sorry for the loss

Hi there,

Sorry to hear you lost a fish. Those flames are so pretty.

Last summer I was away for two weeks and my father and law was watchine the tank. It was something like 32 degrees for pretty much the whole time. He rigged up a metal beer chiller coil to my kitchen sink and put it in the tank. He ran ice cold water through it for a couple of hours and hooked the other end up to my sprinkler to water the lawn. He was so stressed when we got back that he said he would never look after the tank again until I bought a chiller. We lost a ton of coral over those two weeks so I started my search on Ebay. I found an aqualogic drop in chiller for 500 canadian including shipping. It was totally worth it and sometimes you can find them for cheap enough if you are patient.
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Old 07-21-2004, 11:24 PM
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I actually bought 2 different window a/c units, I took both back because they just wouldn't fit right in my window. I ended up using my water fan. It kept out livingroom at a constant 24 deg. celcius. I think I got it at Rona a few years back. Just fill it with COLD water (I put ice in it aswell) and it blows cool air. Last week when we were getting 30+ weather, my heater was actually coming on during the day...

*30g+- (24x16x18)
*Seio 620 + MJ1200
*EuroReef 5-2
*Ebo - 100w Heater
*250w PFO HQI w/XM20k
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