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Old 11-18-2013, 03:20 PM
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Default GQLMAO's Small Peninsula Tank


After many years in this hobby, I have finally pulled the trigger and decided to document my current tank and share it with others. Hopefully it can help others who want to walk down a similar path as me. I have always been into small tanks, I use to have a 12x12x15 cube. However I found space to be limiting and being a all in one system it was honestly an eyesore when it comes to equipment hanging off the back. From that moment on I knew I needed to have a clean and efficient set-up where minimal equipment is in the display section. Here is my link to the old tank, I didn't make any effort to keep the thread alive. For you wondering what happened to the all the LPS and softies, I have sold most of them and unfortunately due to ignorance and neglect some withered away. Here's the link:

On to the New Set-up:

I had the tank and sump custom built by a LFS Concept Aquariums, whom had exceeded my expectations with the overall quality and service.The tank was designed so I can hide 2 Vortech MP10 WES in a water free camber with the internal overflow. I decided to run an internal because I wanted it to have that clean 1 piece look with the stand and allow for the tank and stand to sit closer to the wall. Noise was a huge concern for me, the tank is going to be in my room therefore I needed to make sure it was dead quiet. A herbie overflow system is implemented in this tank, this way I am able to dial the overflows so no air gets inside allowing for quiet circulation.



-Custom 30x18x14 3/8" starphire glass on all 4 sides

-Bevelled and polished

-6 Inch internal overflow with 3.5"x4" chamber for MP10s

-2x1" Overflows, 1X3/4" Return


-Custom 30"Lx18"Wx32"H 1"x1"x.125" HSS steel stand


-Custom 26x14x16 glass Sump


-Currently running 2 MP10WES on 70 percent, long pulse mode with anti-sync

-Might add third MP10 (already have), the way I have it set up really limits the flow.

-Speed wave DC 790GPH return pump


-Super Reef Octopus 1000-int Skimmer

-4" Vertex filter socks

-Approx 20 lbs of life rock + 10 lbs currently cycling in separate bucket


-Two Little Fishies Phosban reactor 150, running HC GFO and ROX Carbon


-Ecotech Radion XR30W Gen 2

Other Equipment:

-2x Ehiem Jaeger 100 watt heaters

-Tunze 3155 osmolator auto top off

-600LPH Ehiem pump

-3 Channel Kameor dosing pump

-2 Small computer fans for ventilation

-1500Watt Cyber Power back UPS for return pump and 1 heater


2 Grade B Snowflake Clowns

1 Helfrichi Firefish

1 Multicolor Dwarf Angelfish

1 Cleaner Shrimp

1 Fire Shrimp


I just got a DSLR with a 100mm macro lens, I'm new to phtography and the learning curve is steep. I will do my best to research and will try to get some better pics and macro shots soon!

Well, I'd be surprised if you guys actually read all that... Here are the first wave of pics:

Last edited by gqlmao; 11-18-2013 at 03:26 PM.
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Old 11-18-2013, 03:30 PM
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Looks great!

I really like the stand too. Who made it?
-- Tony
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Old 11-18-2013, 03:39 PM
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Some macro shots, I am a total beginner at it. It's a T5i with EF 100mm 2.8 macro lense. If you guys got tips throw them at me. So far I am finding a very small aperture (32f), longer shutter speed (1 sec), iso 400, no flash to give me useable pictures. If you got some advice I would appreciate it!

MJC Candlelight Acropora:

Asylum's Blue Acro:

MJC Rainbow Stylophora:

Reef Wonderland Green smooth skin acro:

Concept's/Reefwars Zoas

God of War polyp + baby


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I have no idea:

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Old 11-18-2013, 03:43 PM
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Thanks! I got the stand as a steel frame from concept to fit the aquarium. then I went got some quarter inch plywood, painted it black. Thanks to Kien's ingenious thinking, he told me to go to Ikea and source out some panels to match.

Originally Posted by Delphinus View Post
Looks great!

I really like the stand too. Who made it?
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Old 11-18-2013, 03:47 PM
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Nice set-up and nice corals. With the pics, I recently learned to use a manual white balance setting with the LED lighting (otherwise you get a blue/purple hue). I pointed the camera at the white sand to get my white balance setting. But anything white under the LEDs will work.

PS: Good choice on your LED lighting...
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Last edited by Reef Pilot; 11-18-2013 at 03:50 PM.
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Old 11-18-2013, 03:58 PM
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Thanks! I will have to look into white balance, unfortunate I don't have any sand or white things in the tank. I might just cut a piece of white plastic and use that instead. I have noticed it is very hard to avoid the blue hue with the led setup, I have to use a ton of temperature correction to get the colors back to perspective.

I like the Radion, sleek, allows for tons of adjustment and shimmer. I run them at a pretty high output, the corals don't seem to mind after the initial acclimatization. But I have always been wondering... how would the tank look with a set up T-5s. I miss the purple/blue combo also the tank being 24 inches long I am having issues getting light to the corals in the far back. It appears that I have to go higher but any higher its going to bother the heck out of me when I use my computer.


Originally Posted by Reef Pilot View Post
Nice set-up and nice corals. With the pics, I recently learned to use a manual white balance setting with the LED lighting (otherwise you get a blue/purple hue). I pointed the camera at the white sand to get my white balance setting. But anything white under the LEDs will work.

PS: Good choice on your LED lighting...

Last edited by gqlmao; 11-18-2013 at 04:04 PM.
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Old 11-18-2013, 04:05 PM
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I love the simplicity of your tank!!! really digging the aquascape.

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Old 11-18-2013, 04:10 PM
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Wow, that's looking sweet! Love the stand. Very classy

Your pics are pretty good too. You could use a bit more exposure on them maybe. You can either bump up the exposure during post processing with an image editor, or, if you're finding that your pics straight out of the camera are under exposed based on the exposure metering that your camera is giving you (aperature and shutter and ISO), then try turning up the exposure compensation.

Photographing tanks is challenging for SLRs because the lighting, the glass, the water, and the subject can all mess with the camera's built in light/exposure meter. A lot of the time you have to adjust whatever the camera gives you, or redirect (exposure wise) what the camera thinks is a 'good image'.

I would also recommend getting at tripod. The 100mm macro lens is a great lens, but when shooting at 100m every little movement from your camera (hand shake) will register in the image (as blurry). If you have the IS version of the 100mm macro that will help, but I would still put it on a tripod. Tripods are cheap and will produce A LOT more usable images.

Finally, HOLY FRAK I want to see more Gundams ! Maybe sneak in a few close ups of those beauties
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Old 11-18-2013, 04:23 PM
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Thanks! Couldn't of done it without some Mad Jelly Corals in the tank!


Originally Posted by thmh View Post
I love the simplicity of your tank!!! really digging the aquascape.

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Old 11-18-2013, 04:28 PM
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Originally Posted by kien View Post
Finally, HOLY FRAK I want to see more Gundams ! Maybe sneak in a few close ups of those beauties
wow that took longer than expected.

Love the stand and wow that looks like a square footprint in the pics I was having a tough time at first believing it was 30" front to back. Tank looks great and your scape is unique too.

For your first macros those look awesome. At the very least I would shoot a particular shot at various settings and focus on different areas then just pick the best later.

Sweet start to your zoa garden!
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