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Old 09-19-2013, 02:41 AM
SmallFry SmallFry is offline
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Default Odd/Angry Tang Behaviour

I've had a kole tang for quite some time - over a year in fact, and up until now he's been the model of good behaviour, very chilled out, not really bothering anyone..

The last couple of days, however, he's been going nuts trying to kill his own reflection in the ends of the tank. I've put aluminium foil that has been screwed up over the ends to reflect the light back in but not create an image for him to attack, which seems to have worked - sort of..

He's still half heartedly having a go at the front glass occasionally and still has his barbs out all the time. Up until now I'd never even seen them properly. At no point has he attacked any of his tank mates - only his own reflection.

I'm worried because he seems to be exhausting himself and bruising himself up on the glass - in short he looks as rough as a badger's ass.. My question is, has anyone else experienced anything like this, and is it likely to be a continuing problem, or just a teenage tang temper tantrum?

Thanks in advance,
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Old 09-19-2013, 03:29 AM
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Just a thought, but, I'd be curious to know if he's getting enough veggies ...
Tangs can be very territorial when they don't get enough of what they want and maybe he thinks he's competing for his dailies

Maybe try upping his nori intake ? Or add some smooth rocks for film algae to grow on as that's apparently their fave/staple food
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Old 09-19-2013, 05:12 PM
SmallFry SmallFry is offline
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Thanks, I'll make sure there's always some in there and see if that helps - he didn't go for last nights piece but I had probably filled him to bursting point with flake, new life spectrum and mysis before I put the nori in. The coral beauty enjoyed it though..
He was picking at the rocks and I did also clean the front and side glass recently, but I always leave the back for him..

I'll see what he's up to when I get home from work this evening I guess..
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