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Old 05-28-2013, 05:14 AM
Dreadful Dreadful is offline
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Default The incredible RBTA survival story!

A few years ago when I started with the hobby I may have started a little too early with anemones. Ashamed to admit I killed a few for really stupid reasons.

However, I eventually discovered this little guy who showed me he's tough as nails:

After only a short time in the tank he decided he liked it best up on the glass right next to the power head.. which I knew was the worst place for him to be but he was intent on staying. He liked it there so much he decided to split!

I gave the second nem to my friend who had also started a tank unaware as to what was coming..

Found the stupid thing after work with his face sucked into the power head

I was smart though and just let him pull himself out. Miraculously he survived and healed himself fully!

However this was only the beginning! After I bought a second clown fish I decided I needed a new, bigger anemone for them to share, and I purchased a Green LTA. Well I suppose the RBTA didnt like him.. because one night he completely disappeared.

I know if nems die they make an awful mess in the tank.. and I was pretty sure nems cant eat nems.. so I had NO idea where this thing had gone and assumed it was just hiding somewhere I couldnt see.

After about a month with still no sign of the poor guy I decided it was time to do a filter clean. After opening up my Fluval 405 I noticed the tiniest little pink blob (about the size of a dime) right before the impeller.

Thinking to myself.. could this possibly be my anemone.. I picked it up and put it back in my tank and sure enough he started to open up!

Things were looking good at first but now its been about a month and hes still all closed up.. hoping for the best!
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Old 07-21-2013, 02:16 PM
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Is the poor thing still alive?
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120 Gal Reef (30 Gal Sump)
3 Tangs (Yellow, Hippo, Purple), Flame Angel, 2 Clowns, 2 Demsel, Six-line Wrasse, Strawberry Dottyback, Tube Anemone

46 Gal Bowfront Predator
Lunare Wrasse, Tomini Tang, Hawkfish, Snowflake Eel, Picasso Trigger, Valentini Puffer, Devil Demsel, Tomato Clown, Orange Urchin, 2 RBTA
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Old 07-21-2013, 03:40 PM
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Oh it's alive or it wouldn't be attached. Poor thing! Keep it out of strong lighting while it is bleached.
~ Mindy

SPS fanatic.

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Old 07-21-2013, 04:00 PM
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Ironically my rock flower anemone went through my power head last night made a right royal mess in my tank about an hr later seen it attached to one of my crab's shell and remained attached to it till this morning thought it was a goner for sure but this is a pic of it an hr ago

Looks a bit worse for wear but most likely will recover if it doesn't try to re-attach itself to my powerhead
My aquarium is nothing but a smorgasbord for my cats.....
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Old 07-22-2013, 01:45 PM
geweagle geweagle is offline
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Default Same problem

I have a green bubble. Last night he decided to go for a walk. All over the tank. Learned from the past you got to let him decide where he wants to be. He only moves at night. This morning he was half in the pump feeding my HOB. I turned off the pump and managed to get him out. At least most of him. He was not of course very happy. I put him down under a rock in a dark spot. He has moved into it even further. I think he will be Ok, but it was a rough night for him LOL.
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Old 07-22-2013, 01:53 PM
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Do those rock covers for the power heads help prevent this at all? They look like live rock and just fit over the head itself. I expect if water can get in then your nem can...
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