i cut this bad-boy out by lowering a skill saw into the plyood door off my old 97 gallon then cleaned up the carnage with a hand-held coping saw. that's not going to produce world-class results but hey it'll do the trick =) Goal here is to keep my two cats from dipping into the tank (which they do) and keep my neon goby and tailspot in.
1. cut out framework from plyood after tracing outline of old canopy top. do a half-assed sanding job then paint with some kilz premium.
2. on bottom insert your mesh anchor screws.
3. stretch mesh onto screws. this worked amazingly well and wow this BRS mesh is STRONG.
4. trim and admire (cross your eyes so the terrible cuts are smoothed)
5. put in screws to line up with the standoffs on the nano cube's plastic frame that used to hold the canopy kickstands on. i'll be using a rubber band or something to pull the mesh frame to the plastic trim so when the cats poke around it stays on.
6. lights were out but here she is. i used the kilz to seal it from the water but might make this thing black later on since black hides half-assedness better.