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Old 12-15-2011, 08:32 PM
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Nano Nano is offline
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Default Moving tank to tank-How to?

Hey guys, so many of you probably remember my thread last week about getting
a 15 gallon tank and paying for a 20. Now with out getting back into that, I'll let
you know that hagen has sent me a new tank 20 gallons, and once its
transferred I will send them the old one.

My question is what is going to be the best way to move it?
I know that I'll have to move the fish, corals and rocks etc. into a temporary
home fore the day, and I am planning on taking 3 gallons of water from the tank
tonight and replacing it with new water, and keeping the old water in a air tight
container til saturday when I do the move, this way when I set up the tank I wont
be adding a bunch of new water, and possibly starting a new cycle. Now my sand is
still fairly new, so should I just rinse it? and put it in the new tank? anything else I
should do to make sure nothing goes wrong?

Thanks for the help guys!
I'm not 'fallow' you must be talking about my tank!

Last edited by Nano; 12-15-2011 at 08:33 PM. Reason: EDIT
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