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Old 10-20-2011, 02:33 PM
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Default Why no Zoas or Clams?

Zoas and clams used to flourish in my tank.

I had an anemone explode in my tank back in August. Killed most of my coral including sponges, torch corals, hammerheads, toadstools, leathers, 3 clams, and other anemones.

Did massive water changes and ordered new coral.

Been a couple of months now. All the new coral is flourishing (same coral as above) but I can't seem to keep clams or Zoas in my tank. They die within a couple of weeks or close up all together.

What do you think it could be?

I do 10% weekly water changes.

Nitrates around 10 or less.

Ammonia is zero.

Nitrites are zero.

314 gallon Drop Off Reef tank. 150 gallon sump. Bean Animal Overflow. Various Tangs, Angels, Triggers, Inverts, Corals, etc.
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Old 10-20-2011, 03:56 PM
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Could be a predatory worm...

Check out eunicid worms online

Raf & Diana

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Old 10-20-2011, 04:09 PM
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For zoanthids, it is best to dose with vitamine C if you are having problem with them without any obvious cause like parasites etc... For the clam, you may have introduce something with the new corals you added? Check for snails on it at night or other parasites. Does it have pinched mantles? You have a lot of angelfish, maybe some are nipping at the zoanthids and clams?

Also how did your anemone exploded? how can an anemone explode? Not sure I understand what hapened there.

Are you using carbon? if not, it may help remove what ever toxin is left in your tank.

What ligth are you using? maybe before you had more nutriment in the water and the clam did not need as much light? For the zoanthids, maybe your light is too strong or not strong enough, or maybe some parasites?

REally hard to tell without knowing more detail.

Originally Posted by Gripenfelter View Post
Zoas and clams used to flourish in my tank.

I had an anemone explode in my tank back in August. Killed most of my coral including sponges, torch corals, hammerheads, toadstools, leathers, 3 clams, and other anemones.

Did massive water changes and ordered new coral.

Been a couple of months now. All the new coral is flourishing (same coral as above) but I can't seem to keep clams or Zoas in my tank. They die within a couple of weeks or close up all together.

What do you think it could be?

I do 10% weekly water changes.

Nitrates around 10 or less.

Ammonia is zero.

Nitrites are zero.

Last edited by daniella3d; 10-20-2011 at 04:11 PM.
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Old 10-20-2011, 04:22 PM
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Thanks for this post. I came home from work last night and noticed my frag plug with some nice green zoas on it had been almost completely eaten by something. I did see one of these worms under my live rock the other day. The frag plug was moved near where I saw the worm.

I tried to get it with the tongs but wasn't successful. I guess I will work harder at removing it now.

Originally Posted by Raf View Post
Could be a predatory worm...

Check out eunicid worms online
Current Tank: Red Sea Max 250 <--click
Old Tank: 28 gal. AquaEuroUSA cube <--click
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Old 10-20-2011, 04:52 PM
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they are nasty, we had to remove one from a clients tank and it involved removing the suspect rocks from where we thought it was hiding, dosing the rocks with soda water to bring the worm out and making sure all of the worm had been removed by chipping the rock apart where it lived. A big job but a must if you want to keep those corals...

Raf & Diana

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Old 10-20-2011, 11:42 PM
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Gripenfelter Gripenfelter is offline
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I know snails did kill one of the clams. Sucked it out from the foot.

The Zoas I don't know.

Running LED lights.

314 gallon Drop Off Reef tank. 150 gallon sump. Bean Animal Overflow. Various Tangs, Angels, Triggers, Inverts, Corals, etc.
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