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Old 07-05-2011, 02:13 AM
reefwars reefwars is offline
Join Date: Apr 2010
Location: Calgary, AB
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Default my 1000000000th journal.. now with fewer zombies!!!!(pics of corals)

well its time i started yet another journal lol im starting to think they are bad luck but here we go anyways

so unlike all my other tanks this one is tiny....very tiny like 20g tiny and so far it looks like crap and has been through hell and back

i had to tear down the 60g cube as it was left at a friends for 2 mths and completely neglected and pretty much crashed corals were killed and fish barely made it or died during the move

i took the sad tank to my new house and decided not to set up the cube but its gettin good use as the stand for my 20g lol looks cool too hehe

i wish i could say it was a fresh start but it wasnt my rock was covered in algae all parameters were completely all over the place and alot of them off the chart i had some serious work to do

i started with water changes and carbon by the rip and lots of both i scraped and pulled what i could and i got to work on my parameters.nitrates and phosphates were my biggest problem both were completely off the chart.i built a reactor and started running rowa phos and the water changes and no feeding brought my nitrates down.

i added some snails and a lawnmower blenny to cut my algae down that i couldnt pull and they have been doing a great job.i got lucky with my blenny as he loves the tall stuff and can be found pulling it off like no tomorrow and they usually like the film algae so that worked out great

once things got back to what ill call for now normal i added a small zoanthid colony for a tester coral and he is thriving just fine

getting my alk,calcium,mg to be in sync took a bit of work i had to dose for calcium and after a few weeks of constant monitoring im happy to say its where it should be.

i went out and got some more goodies for the tank i bought a purple lta and some feather dusters some crabs and a cleaner shrimp and added a hob refugium which houses some liverock rubble and some cheato.

my good friend fred(nlreefguy) gave me some frags and they are doing good with the exception of a pink birdsnest and its funny cause ive always had goodluck with birdnest and bad luck with acros and for this tank my acro is doing great while my birdsnest is not huh go figure right damn sticks lol

today i cut out the rowa phos and started on phosguard to keep my phosphates at zero the rowa phos is just to expensive and has done its job

i also picked up a nice rbta and a bunch more snails

annnndddddd for the millionth time i am trying yet another elegance its a small fella i got for a good price it looks healthy and so far so good and as you know my last one was killed by my eel and clown fighting where i lost my large cinn clown and a very nice aussie elegance

heres where i stand

250w mh retrofit into canopy 20,000k bulb
gatorade reactor running phosguard
hob refugium with lr rubble and cheato
crushed coral sandbed
30lbs of lr i took home from edmonton


yellow tailed chromis
ocellaris clown
lawnmower blenny

neon green open brain
purple lta
feather duster x 2
orange monticap
aussie elegance
purple gorg
yellow gorg
green acro
pink birdsnest
cabbage coral
sinularia coral

numerous snails and hermits

tank is coming along but im not gonna post pics untill a) i get a camera lol and b) untill my algae completely clears off its dieing off very fast but i still have some turf algae im working on thats being a pest

cheers guys ill update here again sometime soon

Last edited by reefwars; 07-13-2011 at 02:07 AM.
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