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Old 07-22-2011, 07:23 PM
mrtaylor mrtaylor is offline
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Default St. Albert issues?

Hi all,

I've looked through a bunch of posts here at Canreef, and I believe you're all a good bunch to whom to ask my questions.

I moved from Ottawa to Edmonton last week. In Ottawa, I had an established (1 year) 30 gallon reef tank. I put the 20-25 pounds of liverock (all that was left after selling off my coral, etc) into a sealed rubbermaid container, plugged in a powerhead and an air bubble line, and drove here with it. After setting up the tank again, I had to add about 20 gal of water to top it off. My plan is to let it all settle for a week before adding sand, etc.

The good news is that 9 hermit crabs, a snail, some zoos and mushrooms made it through the trip alive. The bad news, and what brings me here, is that there seems to be a slight film on the top of my water, and my protein skimmer is overflowing within a minute, no matter how much I close the valve.

Is there a water issue in St. Albert that I need to be aware of? Is there a local club to join?

Thanks in advance for any help you can provide,

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Old 07-22-2011, 07:46 PM
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The Codfather The Codfather is offline
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Haven't had any issues with my water since we moved here 4 years ago. But am running ro/di for the last 3 so not much help to you there. Are you using just tap water??
By the way, welcome to canreef. There are a few of us here in St. Albert, I know that a bunch of reefers try to get together in Edmonton once a month or so during the fall/winter months, just watch for the local postings.
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Last edited by The Codfather; 07-22-2011 at 07:48 PM.
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Old 07-22-2011, 08:49 PM
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RedCoralEdmonton RedCoralEdmonton is offline
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Bob is correct there is a reefers meeting in the fall/ winter time, check here for info in september, as for your water, it could just be that your tank has massive amounts of die off that your skimmer is going crazy? Also i noticed you said no matter how much you close the valve, to stop overflowing you want to open the valve, unless that is what you meant?

Try RODI if you think its the water, we have some RODI here at the store if you need any!

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