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Old 04-09-2011, 06:46 PM
reefknot reefknot is offline
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Default looking for help/suggestions

Hi all, have been reading as many threads as I can, but this is the first thread and my intro to this forum. I have to say it is an amasing wealth of info on here, thanks to all .
I have had a 100 gal for about two years now, stumbling along with what I could gain from this site, trying different things. I am struggling with nuisance algea and trying to combat that ( know I have a high bioload, learnt my bulbs need to be changed, increased water flow, added a phosban reactor ) and I think I am beginning to win, BUT...My question is:- I now want to start a 230 Gal and would it be a mistake to use the sand from this 100 gal tank ? I was hoping to cut down on the cycle time for the new tank by usng the substate and live rock, but will this risk re-introducing the nuisance algea ? Will i need to cure all my live rock and buy new sand and go through the normal cycle time for a new tank ?
All suggestions welcome, sorry its a bit long
210 Gal mixed,80 Gal sump, wavebox & p.heads,ATI 200 skimmer in sump, Aquastep UV. Reeflo Dart return, Bean animal overflow.
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Old 04-09-2011, 07:30 PM
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You could probably re-use the sand, but I would recommend washing it. You could probably leave a couple of cups of the old sand unwashed and use it to "seed" the washed sand. Once you start pulling the old sand out of the 100 gallon system and see how dirty it probably is, you will see why you want to wash it.
You will go through a cycle on the new system regardless if you wash out the sand or not.
240 gallon tank build:
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Old 04-09-2011, 10:43 PM
imcosmokramer imcosmokramer is offline
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Make sure to wash the VERY WELL, you are going to still up a whole world of trouble when you take it out. If your only reason for re-using the sand is time, I probably wouldn't.

Get new sand (no reason to get live sand if you're getting live rock). Let you new system cycle, take your time, make sure it's set up correctly, and you'll be happier in the long run.

Last edited by imcosmokramer; 09-28-2011 at 08:58 PM.
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Old 04-09-2011, 11:43 PM
reefknot reefknot is offline
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Thanks for the suggestions, I think going with new sand will be the best way as I have to go through the cycle time anyway. Then I can leave my livestock and corals in the 100 gal tank while the new one cycles, less stress on everything
Would it be necessary to cure/cook the live rock as it has had algea growth on it ? i.e Bryopsis
210 Gal mixed,80 Gal sump, wavebox & p.heads,ATI 200 skimmer in sump, Aquastep UV. Reeflo Dart return, Bean animal overflow.
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