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Old 04-12-2011, 03:30 PM
az @aquavalley's Avatar
az @aquavalley az @aquavalley is offline
Join Date: Apr 2009
Location: Canada East
Posts: 260
az @aquavalley is on a distinguished road
Default few Pics & Specials


horseshoe hammer

pink carnation

orange gorgonia

blueberry gorgonia




yuma pink

aussie scolymia mini

few euphyllias

queen angel

crazy mushroom

scotts wrasse

jardini flame wrasse

coral beauty angel

flame angel

sexy shrimp

anemone crab

sps frags




feather duster

pinktip frogspawn

crazy zoa rocks

Flame Angel $56
Coralbeauty Angel $28
Half Black Angel $23
Emperor Angel $125

blueleg hermit crab $0.89
redleg hermit crab $0.89
scarlet hermit crab $3.29
blue knuckle hermit crab $3.79

anemone crab $10
porcelain crab $16
sexy shrimp $10
coralbanded shrimp $9

astrea snail $0.99
margarita snail $0.89
mexican turbo snail $2.19
bumblebee snail $1.49

Barnacle Blenny $28
Bicolor Blenny $24
Flametail Blenny $24
Tailspot Blenny $26

Ocellaris Clown $15
B/W Ocellaris Clown $25
reg Ocellaris x black ocellaris $24
Percula Clown $27

Green Band Goby $18
Tiger Goby $18
Red Stripe Goby $19
Catalina Goby $33

all lighting mh/t5/pc/led NO TAX
all salt seahem/tropicmarin/D&D NO TAX
all pumps and powerheads Hydor/Mag/Vortech NO TAX
all food dry/live/frozen NO TAX

Yellow Tang $45
Sailfin Tang pacific $40
Sailfin Tang redsea $55
Scopas Tang $35
Vlamingi Tang $45
Kole Tang $51

Sixline Wrasse $23
Cleaner Wrasse $17
Mystery Wrasse $100
Disappearing Wrasse $35
Pearl China Wrasse $38

male fairy wrasse;
Redvelvet Fairy Wrasse $95
Scotts Velvet Fairy Wrasse $115
Golden Rhomboid Fairy Wrasse $210
Hawaii Jardini Flame Fairy Wrasse $200
Lineatus Fairy Wrasse $210

Royal Gramma $26
Orange Spotted Shrimp Goby $20
Firefish Goby $13
Pajama Cardinal $14
Damsels $5

All Liverock or Dry Branchrock $3.99/lb
Indo premium, fiji premium, fiji totoka, fiji tukani, waltsmith fiji premium, tonga branch etc

Clams > Crocea $35, Squamosa $37, Ultra $39
Corals > most of them $38, XL $45, Ultra $55, Gorgonias $35, Leather $25, Mushrooms $26
Frags > zoa frags $10, florida rics $12, Acros $12 and up, Aussie Acans $24, Chalice $18
Anemones > mini carpets $25/ultras $26, RBTA $49, LTA lg $59, Ritteri lg $81
Acropora > $35-$99
Aqua Valley
1158 Ogilvie road, Ottawa
613 741 0665
Fall/Winter Store Hours;
Tue-Friday 12-7
Sat-Sun 11-5

accepting all major credit cards; Visa, MC, AMEX
also paypal, Email money transfer

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