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Old 05-07-2010, 06:59 PM
MrsBugmaster MrsBugmaster is offline
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Default Does my stock list look ok?

Here is the stock list I am thinking about for my 34 Solana. Please let me know if you think everything will go together or not.

Already have:
Pair of Occ. Clownfish
Lemeonpeel Angel
Purple tip and regular Frogspawn. (May be removed later if needed)

Wanting of adding:
Royal Gramma

1 or2 of the following:
Blue Stripe Neon Goby or
Greenbaned Goby or
Tail Spot Blenny or
Green Clown Goby

Going to add:
BTA, 3 or 4 different colors, like Rose, green, rainbow.

How many and which ones on the above can I add? Also I think the Sexy Shrimp are cool too. Can I add it to any of these combo's and not get eaten?
I know the Lemonpeel will nip at most LPS but will it be ok with the frogpawn and the BTA's? I may add a short tenacle plate coral too and see if will be be safe with the angel. I know I am limited with corals with the angel, but that is ok, it will be mainly a BTA tank.

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Old 05-07-2010, 08:02 PM
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With BTA's in there, expect them to move around a certain amount and sting anything in close proximity. Mine does in my 125 gallon, and the surrounding leathers/gorg do get stung and close up for quite a while. They do grow fairly quickly as well, so your tank may be full of BTA's if you start out with 3 or 4. A tank dedicated to BTA's would be pretty cool looking though. Big Al's in Edmonton has a tank full of red BTA's that is awesome!
The lemonpeel may be good with the corals for a long time, and then one day decide it will eat the whole thing. That is the risk with them. You may want to consider a different fish if you are worried about that happening, or just scrap the idea of another fish altogether.
I've had sexy shrimp with all similar types of fish that you have in there, and not had any problems. They did have 2 tube anemones to protect them though, so not sure if that was why, or just none of the fish would go after them.
240 gallon tank build:
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Old 05-07-2010, 08:14 PM
MrsBugmaster MrsBugmaster is offline
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Will the lemonpeel eat the BTA's?
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Old 05-07-2010, 08:22 PM
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I haven't heard of them eating anemones before. My dwarf angels never touched any of me anemones.
240 gallon tank build:
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Old 05-07-2010, 09:17 PM
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Originally Posted by ponokareefer View Post
I haven't heard of them eating anemones before. My dwarf angels never touched any of me anemones.
+1 mine all left my gbta alone.

Your list sounds good, and the sexy's should be fine.
One more fish should be ok?, right!!! - Laurie
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