pump for uv steralizer
I just pusrchased an 18W Aqua Medic Helix UV foe my 65g plus 30g sump. now i will be looking for a pump for it, any suggestions on what kind og pump and how powerful it should be? and if anyone has one would be great. Thanks.
230G, 3 X 250w MH , 4x 39w t5 , about 200lbs of LR, 2" of LS bed, 2 maroon clowns hosting a RLTA, 1 regal tang and 1 yellow tang, 1 blonde neso tang, 1 coral beauty, 2 scunk clowns hosting a GBTA, 1 midas blenny, and a mandarin gopy, 6 blue green chromis and 1 six line wrass.