Clown Diagnosis...
Hi All,
We picked up a pair of clowns last weekend from a VERY reputable local LFS (sponsor on this forum). One of our pair had a couple white blotches on them, but we were assured it was just Lymphocystis. A lot of the clowns in the tank at the store had these spots. They are ocellaris captive bred.
Anyways, it hasn't really cleared up at all (looks worse), but the stress of moving to a new tank and the fact he's the smaller of the pair probably didn't help. Right now he only has 3 other tank mates. It'll probably stay like this for a month or so.
Just looking to confirm Lympho. I know there's not much can be done until the virus runs its course and clears up.
Water params are excellent (everything @ 0). Temp @ 79/80. Skimming and GAC. Scheduled for a 15-20% water change next weekend.
So, does anyone believe to the contrary about the Lympho? I'm not very up on fish illnesses.
Last edited by cwatkins; 02-04-2011 at 09:23 PM.