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Old 03-10-2007, 04:12 PM
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cag cag is offline
Join Date: Jul 2004
Location: Calgary
Posts: 74
cag is on a distinguished road
Question Who eats ricordea and zoo's

I have had my reef tank growing and developing for three years. It has gone through several upgrades to bigger systems, and I made a move last fall to a 90 gallon system. At that time I added a bunch more rock, but was carefull to put in only rock that had aged at least 4 months, so the system didn't seem to cycle that much. But ever since thankgiving my beautifull collection of zoos and ricordea have been shrinking back and then dissappearing. I have watched day and night for offenders, but have only seen one long worm, slim and smooth that retreats from light grazing once near the base of a coral. Here is a list of what I know is in there, does anyone know if I have been missinformed on something from this list. As far as I know nothing here is a problem.

Yellow Tang,Purple Tang, Sailfin Tang, Regal Tang,Timini Tang, Clown Tang, and Powder Brown Tang. 2 Chromis, 2 red blue strip damsels (new), a cleaner wr**** a six line wrass (new),2 maroon clowns, 1 ocelaris clown, 2 yellow watchman, 2 orchid fridmani, and one small batfish.

4 cleaner shrimp, 3 pepermint shrimp, 1 fire shrimp, 2 dappel shrimp, 1 mini coral banded (purple body, yellow, white , red striped legs), and one tiger prawn (ornate looking patterns almonst like a mandarin dragonette, but in tans and golds. He is shy, only comes out at night, and has filter feeding front legs). There is also a Sea Hare, a cucumber, astria snails, pyramid snails, about a dozen zebra hermit crabs, 5 boxer crabs, 3 red footed snails (they do have a spike on the front of thier shell, but I have never seen them attack a coral.) a red formosia starfish, a blue leathery speckeled starfish (that I have had from the begginging so I know it is safe), some feather worms, and serveral bubble tip anenomies.

finger leather, 4 kinds of star polys, 3 ricordea left from the original 12, 10 zoos left from the original 16. one favia, 3 other mushrooms, 3 different trumpet corals, a torch, elepant ear, and 2 sps corals.

My water has been fairly stable. Skimmer works fine. Ph 8.2, calcium between 380-420, temp 81, KH good, nitrate up a bit at 12-15 (but manged), no nitrite or amonia.

The corals look awesome, then one day the zoos will not open, and then over a few days to a week the colony dissappears. The ricordea do the same, they shrink, loose color, look damaged or mushy, and then they are gone. It seems to effect only a couple at a time, others look fine, till it is their turn. I bought the six line hoping he would eat any small offenders. Any ideas would be greatly appreciated.
72 gal bowfront reef. multiple zoos, ricordea, and tangs. 2X150 watt metal halide, 2X55 watt cp, and moonlights. 28 gal seahorse tank, with 1 pair of seahorses.
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