Hey everyone!
All items for sale or am willing to trade for corals, A sump with fuge,Skimmers...Make me a offer
Tunze 6100.10 Stream power head(18months old) with the 7091 single controller and tunze magnet. It work great have never had a problem with is at all. Has a lil bit of coraline on it but i will have it cleaned and ready to go later today. $220 obo-SOLD
Eshopps PSK-150 In-sump protien skimmer rated for 100-150gal(light bioload). Only one month old works great-$120 pending sale
EuroReef In-sump skimmer not sure what model(probably 100)Has crack on cylinder where the riser tube is. Easy fix with silcone or epoxy. comes with a sedra-3500 pump. $80 obo(pending sale)