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Old 12-23-2009, 06:55 PM
KevinK KevinK is offline
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Default group buy NP BIO Pellets

planning to do a group buy of the new developed NP BIo Pellets

it will work out to be $ 56,00 a 1/2 KG (500 Gram) and $ 97 a 1000 gr.

need to have a few that want to order with me !

let me know, and we se how we can work this out,

could have it in about 2 weeks !!

How It Works
The positive effects of NP-reducing BioPellets on water quality are based on the principle of immobilization. Waste products from the water, mainly nitrate and phosphate, are converted into bacteria. This keeps the aquarium water clean.

NP-reducing BioPellets are composed of biologically degradable polymers that can be placed in a fluidized filter or filter canister. The pellets will allow aerobic growth of bacteria which consequently will consume nitrate and phosphate simultaneously. The bacteria will use up the carbon from the BioPellets, while nitrogen and phosphorus are taken from the water as nitrate and (ortho) phosphate. This conversion of organic BioPellets (together with inorganic nitrogen and phosphorus) into microbial biomass is called immobilization. In addition, anaerobic layers will develop, resulting in additional denitrification.

The surplus of bacteria will be consumed by filter and suspension feeding organisms such as sponges and corals, or skimmed off by a protein skimmer. On average this “solid vodka method” takes 2-4 weeks to give rise to sufficient bacteria to allow nitrate and phosphate levels to drop. The main advantage of this method over using vodka or sugar as a carbon source is that NP-reducing BioPellets stimulate local growth of bacteria in a filter compartment, instead of all over in the aquarium where they may clog up pipes and hoses. They also prevent the growth of cyanobacteria, as the bacteria growing on NP-reducing BioPellets will compete with these phototrophic nuisance microbes. Finally, NP-reducing BioPellets will save the aquarist a lot of time, as no daily dosages of carbon are required.
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Old 12-23-2009, 07:08 PM
Borderjumper Borderjumper is offline
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Im very interested in this, but I sure would like to see some feedback from reefers who have already started using the pellets
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Old 12-23-2009, 10:21 PM
KevinK KevinK is offline
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Default bio pallets

pleas se
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Old 12-25-2009, 09:25 PM
RuGlu6 RuGlu6 is offline
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Join Date: Mar 2008
Posts: 25 Hello everybody,

I'm the person that developed the biopellets and to answer some questions:

-The pellets don't dissolve in water in the absence of bacteria

-they do not stimulate bacterial or algae growth in your tank and specially for the algae growth, this appears to be reduced and similar observations have been done for cyano bacteria when compaired to using soluble carbon sources such as wodka or sugar. big advantage is no more bacteria growth on your corals and unlimited carbon source to reduce nitrate and phosphate. My own tank consists of gorgonia combined with lps and sps corals. this requires feedings of 10x a day (with reefpearls ;-)) and I can keep nitrate between 0-5ppm and phosphate around 0-0.03 without the addition of wodka and phosphatekiller. this was for not possible before I started to use the biopellets.

-they are heavier than water and can be used in fluidized filter systems. we recommend this actually because this way you will always have high water flow and thus more aerobic conditions for your bacteria, which in principle is much safer than anaerobic conditions. On this point we have to say that some anaerobic bacteria will excist on the pellets, but this layer is so thin that is not harmfull and has a rather positive effect on your pH (aerobic-> H+; anaerobic -> OH-)

- the pellets are not on the market yet and will be released soon in the netherlands and belgium and other countries will hopefully soon folow. until that time you can contact me for questions at (I hope this allowed by admin, otherwise I apologize and please remove just this last sentence then).

-in contrast to what was mentioned, the pellets do not need to be replaced after 6 months. they are consumed by the bacteria and will slowly disappear, which means that you have to add extra pellets every 6-12 months. In one of our test conditions it took 3 years to completely digest the pellets. this is also the reason that you have to use at least 1 or 2 liters of these pellets (around 120 euro's) but it will last at least 1 year.

Wodka can still be combined with the pellets and will rapidly be consumed by the bacteria which live on the pellets, however, it is not necessary to do so, but when you need to finish the bottle of wodka, this is one way of doing it ;-)

Don't hesitate to ask any questions when things are not clear.


jean paul
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Old 12-25-2009, 09:42 PM
KevinK KevinK is offline
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Default bio pellets avaleble

I can get them !
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