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Old 09-28-2009, 01:32 PM
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Default Yellow Watchman Goby?

I have a Yellow Watchman gobie and a Lawnmwer blennie in a 45g tank. I rarely see the Yellow. Like 3 times in 4 months, and just his head.. He was put in about a year after the Blennie. Are they compatable or is the Yellow hiding out cause he's scared of the Blennie? Other tankmates are; Pair clowns, Longnose butterfly, Royal Gramma, Banggai Cardinal and a Coral banded Shrimp. Thinking of moving the CBS to the 150 soon tho

The Goby came with my 150g, but put him in the 45 while I was setting up the 150. Any tips on capturing him and maybe moving him to the 150?
Also, Are Pistol shrimp good friends for him? What would be a good burrowing shrimp to be his pal???

Thx in advance
Dan Pesonen

Umm, a tank or 5
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Old 09-28-2009, 03:36 PM
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I have a YWG with my Lawnmower and they are quite fine with each other. I seem to have a bit more sparring from my Landmower and Bi-color blenny.

YWG are IMO natural hiders, mine only comes out to feed. Lucky his home is in a spot near the front so I see him a bit more.


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Old 09-28-2009, 06:19 PM
aquatic_rice aquatic_rice is offline
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i doubt youll be able to catch him without tearin down the tank

I bought a YWG already paired up with a tiger pistol shrimp and they're buddy buddy. I think any pistol shrimp would do, but dont quote me on that
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Old 09-28-2009, 06:44 PM
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Does YWG and PS pair do a pretty good job of stirring the sand bed???

Maybe I should look into getting him a friend??
Dan Pesonen

Umm, a tank or 5
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Old 09-28-2009, 09:12 PM
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I've got a YWG in a 25 gal and I rarely see it. It spooks very easily every time I approach the tank. I'm also curious to know if they would behave differently with a pistol shrimp companion.
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Old 09-28-2009, 11:02 PM
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I have two in my 100 and they are out all the time. I can also put my hands right up to them without them spooking.
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Old 09-28-2009, 11:09 PM
Whiskey Whiskey is offline
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I have an orange spot goby with a pistol shrimp. They paired up almost immediately and are easily the most interesting animals in my tank. The goby gets along really well with most of the fish in my tank, the only time he really gets agitated is if I put my hand in the tank (he hides) or if my scooter blenny comes around (awesome display behavior).

I set up my tank (65 gallon, custom breeder) with these animals in mind. I created a cove in the area where I wanted to have them set up house then ensured that there was sufficient substrate of multiple grades that I hoped they'd enjoy.I tried to make sure that all my rocks were stable on the bottom glass of the tank before I added sand so that the shrimp/goby wouldn't get crushed as the shrimp excavated his burrow. I also created a jawfish/goby home using 3/4 inch PVC sunk under my rockwork (they moved out of the PVC after ~week).

The pistol shrimp moves a stunning amount of gravel. Huge mounds are created within hours of his shifting his home; too much sugar-sized crushed coral results in mini sand-storms blowing through my tank but it's totally worth it. Next time I wont put the fine stuff in my tank.

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Old 09-30-2009, 01:39 AM
Ian Ian is offline
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my YWG was a huge hider until he got a pistol shrimp friend to join him and as already stated now they are amzing to watch and the YWG is out most of the time. Allthough he is never far from his burrow or shrimp pal...good luck
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