Im looking to get rid of these guys, i have about 20 red swordtails, I had originaly bought 5 albindo red swords, and they had about 4 sets of babies. now some of them have a black line on them, but anyhow they are all healthy i just dont have room.
I also have 4 rosey barbs, and a darker color barb as well, i forget his name.
I just need to get ride of these, they were great fish im just trying to get my discus in order and i dont have time for 2 tanks. i have no idea what they are worth, but i think i paid like 7 bucks a fish when i got them but i would be willing to sell them all for probably 75-100obo(any offer will be consitered as i just need to find them a home.)
i have no fish selling exp so dont expect me to fill the bags with O2, so im going to just sell these localy.(calgary)
pm me if you have questions or tips