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Old 08-19-2008, 05:16 AM
BC Mosaic BC Mosaic is offline
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Default This a Whelk?

As the title states. Just noticed him. About 1/2" long shell. Nice looking, must say.
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Old 08-19-2008, 05:20 AM
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Might be. I had one of those in my tank for years, cool little guy that never did anything bad. I'd love to get another one.
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Old 08-19-2008, 05:57 AM
BC Mosaic BC Mosaic is offline
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Yes he is rather cool looking. A hitchhiker. I'd like to keep him and at the moment have him caged up in those plastic trap boxes with the piano keys for one way entry only - no exit - yet he is strong enough and determined enough that he managed to pry those keys apart. Almost got away!
I've read that these guys are predators especially against Astrea sp, turbos included. I'm down to 1 Stoamta (sp?) snail whereas I had quite a few and they were multiplying.
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Old 08-19-2008, 05:58 AM
Monti-Man Monti-Man is offline
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Yes it is a whelk. You can tell by the pattern on the snout of it.
If you have clams in your tank you need to get him out asap as clams are part of there diet.
Otherwise a cool little addition.

Here is a link to info on it.:
180 gallon SPS Dominated reef, Reeflo Orca 200 skimmer,Proline Zeovit reactor,3 250 watt halides in lumenarc mini reflectors and 2 vortecs for flow
Numerous corals,2 purple tangs,choclate mimic tang,Foxface,Solar wrasse,male and female lubbocks wrasse,hoevens wrasse,Carpenter's Flasher Wrasse,Blue Sided Fairy Wrasse,yellow wrasse,3 Yellowstripe Anthias,True percand S.Gigantea anemone
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Old 08-19-2008, 06:07 AM
BC Mosaic BC Mosaic is offline
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Thanks Monti-Man for the link. Interesting. Can't say whether there is or is not a clam in the future.
Hey Brad, you want him? Free
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Old 08-19-2008, 01:18 PM
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If you want to send him, sure, although mine never bothered snails or clams. If you watch it, you'll see it scavenging around rocks for little bits of stuff.
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Old 08-20-2008, 02:36 AM
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why don't you throw in a couple snails in the critter keeper with it to see if its predatory or not? maybe a turbo, an astrea and a nassarius or something?
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Old 08-20-2008, 03:02 AM
BC Mosaic BC Mosaic is offline
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Justinl, I just found 5 more whelks! Where did they pop up from all of a sudden!?! One was really small so they have obviously begun to breed. I have also found empty clam shells on occasion and my palys have disappeared. So.....I'm deep 6'ing them. Why chance it, especially after all that time and money that was put into this tank.
But a good suggestion from you nonetheless. Thanks
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