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Old 12-07-2007, 02:35 AM
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Default diy sump

I am building a sump/refugium and need some advice I have done a lot of reading.I have also looked at melve's sumps and others. Was wondering how big my sections should be and how high my baffles should be.This is the size of my sump 42w 15d 14h.I would like my refugium on one side my return in the middle and my skimmer on the other side.
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Old 12-07-2007, 05:16 AM
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What type of skimmer do you have? I recently designed and made my own sump, and that was the major thing to think about.

I designed one section to house my in sump skimmer with a water height that works for my skimmer. Then designed the baffles around the skimmer and then looked at the remaining area and decided how much I should put to a refugium, and how much should go to my return section.

I basically put my drain in one side, followed by a baffle at 15" (thus making the water level 15"), next is the refugium @ water level of 14", Baffles, then skimmer section with water level at 9", bubble trap, return section at 9". My sump is 32" long x 18"w x 18" high.

Another thing you will want to consider is how much extra water your sump will need to hold if your return pump is turned off. That will also dictate how high your water levels can be.
My Tank: 135G display, 45G Sump, 20G top off. 2 x 400 W, Bullet 1.5, Snapper Return, Profilux.
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Old 12-07-2007, 09:52 PM
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I will be building durso standpipes and I will see how much I have to leave so my sump will not over flow. Also I am planning on getting a euroreef skimmer an rs 135 for a 90 gal tank. I also want my return to be in the middle my fuge on one side and my skimmer on the other side.Is it best to make my fuge as big as posible.
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