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Old 02-25-2006, 11:00 PM
pandafishowner pandafishowner is offline
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Default 29g tank question about fish stocking

Okay, I currently have a new 29 gallon tank (which has around 25 gallons of water since I just bought it Monday and used 15 gallons established water and 10 gallons fresh). I'll be adding a big more water tomorrow night. It has a heater, filter w/bio wheel, a clam bubbler (you know, those clams that are attached to airline and a pump), and a fake plant. The rocks are the gem like stones, not gravel, I hated the way gravel looked and the way it needed to be cleaned. I have 5 guppies (1 male lyretail, 4 females) and a cory cat. I was told to get a cory cat as a bottom feeder to help keep my tank clean, and then I found out they need to be in groups of 4 or 6 (an even number so they pair off or something?).

Anyway, by the time I'm done stocking my tank, I want it to have a lot of bright fish (guppies preferably). So assuming I can find 3 more peppered cory cats to go with the peppered cory I have right now, I want to have: 4 peppered cory cats, 8 guppies (3 males, 5 females should work?) and maybe 3-6 neon tetras? Is that overstocking? Should I forgo the tetras and go with a 2-3 inch 'showpiece' fish or 2 2" fish? I'm not sure whether to follow the 1" of fish per gallon guideline, or the 1 fish per gallon guideline since I'm hoping to stick to guppies.

Suggestions. I know better than to buy them all at once. I'm only going to add 2 or 3 fish at a time, a few weeks apart. The original established water was 5 gallons from my tank before we moved that went into a 10 gallon tank that's been set up since December and then the other 5 gallon tank was set up as a quaratine and all levels were perfect.
I'm Melody (or Panda )

50g cube SW tank (24x24x20) w/20g sump and internal overflow box, Coralife 24" 2 x 65W Aqualight, skimmer, and 2x HOB filters
It has approx 35lbs live rock, clownfish, 1 black & white saddleback clownfish, asst'd mushrooms, asst'd zoas, gsp, turbo and other snails, blue legged, halloween and other hermit crabs, tuxedo urchin

10g FW tank with...
Current occupants are cardinal tetras and ameca splendons
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Old 02-25-2006, 11:16 PM
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Bob I Bob I is offline
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One fake plant is not enough I have about four fake plants that I would dearly like to get rid of. Let me know if you want them.
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Old 02-25-2006, 11:33 PM
pandafishowner pandafishowner is offline
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haha, I hate fake plants (and most live ones for that matter lol) 1 fake one is more than enough I'll stick with castles and such to decorate my tank with. I'll give them hiding places instead of plants to lay eggs on
I'm Melody (or Panda )

50g cube SW tank (24x24x20) w/20g sump and internal overflow box, Coralife 24" 2 x 65W Aqualight, skimmer, and 2x HOB filters
It has approx 35lbs live rock, clownfish, 1 black & white saddleback clownfish, asst'd mushrooms, asst'd zoas, gsp, turbo and other snails, blue legged, halloween and other hermit crabs, tuxedo urchin

10g FW tank with...
Current occupants are cardinal tetras and ameca splendons
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Old 02-25-2006, 11:47 PM
SeaHorse_Fanatic SeaHorse_Fanatic is offline
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With the fw tank, I think it is not adding old water that helps it cycle but adding a filter or filter media from an establishedtank that you're supposed to do.
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Old 02-26-2006, 12:32 AM
fatpuffer fatpuffer is offline
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I was at BA in edm. and I saw the most colourful is called peacock gudgeon. Looks really awesome.

They also have some dwarf cichlids such as apisto cacautoides (sp?) and some less common cory cats.

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Old 02-26-2006, 12:45 AM
pandafishowner pandafishowner is offline
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True enough Seahorse, the filter is the same one from my 10g tank. I'll get the hang of details properly someday. I'll get a new filter for my 29g tank soon and then put the old filter cartridge in it because the filter I saw had space for 2 cartridges, to make changing them easier and you don't lose the bacterias you need
I'm Melody (or Panda )

50g cube SW tank (24x24x20) w/20g sump and internal overflow box, Coralife 24" 2 x 65W Aqualight, skimmer, and 2x HOB filters
It has approx 35lbs live rock, clownfish, 1 black & white saddleback clownfish, asst'd mushrooms, asst'd zoas, gsp, turbo and other snails, blue legged, halloween and other hermit crabs, tuxedo urchin

10g FW tank with...
Current occupants are cardinal tetras and ameca splendons
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