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Old 12-30-2005, 08:45 PM
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Default Jane Creba - Innocent victim of gunfire

Firstly I would like to send my condolences to the Creba family in Toronto who have lost a 15 year old beautiful daughter while she was Boxing Day shopping with her sister. She was the victim of a stray bullet between rivalry drug dealers who were a little overly-concerned about their drug-trafficking territory and took the liberty to settle the dispute in the middle of a busy shopping district with gunfire.
I was truly amazed at the Creda's public statement that did not even mention anything negative about the culprits who have "tragically scattered" their "bright light into darkness."
It made my blood boil as I was reading through the paper about this and I will confess that it brought tears to my eyes because I myself, along with every parent, brother, sister, uncle, aunt, grandfather, grandmother, and friend out there, you must have also thought "That could have been somebody I know and even worse, somebody I love." In this case with Jane Creba, it was neither somebody I knew nor love but for reasons unknown it has really touched and saddened me deeply. I really have no explanation as to why but perhaps it is because I am now a father with a 2.5 year old son and 5 month old daughter. At this point in my life, they are the brightest lights (well.... almost as bright as the MH bulbs over my tank) in my life and on a daily basis, I pray that:
- they will remain healthy
- I will not ever have to visit either one or both of my children in jail in the future
- they will grow up to be good overall,
- they will be productive citizens,
- they will have decent jobs, and
- they will get out of my house by the time they are 25

But why should I need to also pray that I will never have to see them in a morgue nor will I never have to bury them?
I think it makes me the most angry to know that some drug dealer or any other low-lifes of society, can just take away that "light" from me .... these pathetic low-lifes who feel that their drug trafficking territory or whatever dispute they have is so important that they should be able to exercise their Charter of Rights and Freedom with guns and bullets.

For those who know me, I am not permitted to publicly express my views of the justice system nor the government. Having said that, I was watching some news a number of weeks ago on the Federal government on imposing a mandatory minimum sentences for possession of firearm offences where some of the minimum sentences being asked for were lengthy and very ............ "justifying" (in my opinion). When the Minister of Justice and Attorney General of Canada was asked about the minimum sentences, his main concern was that the courts will find the minimum sentences "unconstitutional" to the offenders. That is all I will comment about that but as an ordinary John Smith (or is it Wen Chen in my nationality) Canadian citizen, I often wonder who does the Charter of Rights really protect?

Nevertheless, I didn't intend to start this to discuss politics. I only wanted to express how the tragic death of Jane Creba has really made me think about my life in general. Jane has turned a light on in my heart - a light that will inspire me to do better at my job for the rest of my career.

May God bless your soul and may God give your friends and family the strength they need to get through this.

And Jane, may you rest peacefully in heaven - thank you.
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Old 12-30-2005, 10:12 PM
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Well said Chin. Not being political either but guns don't kill people, people kill people. The gun that was used to kill that poor little girl was most likely not a legal gun. We need to have a better justis system to deal with that kind of scum. As a father of 2 as well, I can not imagine what they are going through. It makes me mad, and i will leave it at that.
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Old 12-30-2005, 10:15 PM
Veng68 Veng68 is offline
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Well said Chin.

I hope the people who did this get punished to the max and then some (in the afterlife).

Vic [veng68]
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Old 12-30-2005, 10:22 PM
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Talking No where to hide on J-Day

I am a firm believer and I think they will get what they deserve on J-DAY!
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Old 12-30-2005, 11:18 PM
SeaHorse_Fanatic SeaHorse_Fanatic is offline
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May they burn in H-E-Double hockey sticks. Very well said my friend. I think that Canadian laws & judges are waaaaay too considerate of the criminals' rights & not worried enough about protecting society or giving a sense of justice to victims.

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Old 12-31-2005, 12:08 AM
4ptbuck 4ptbuck is offline
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Although kinda unrelated, all this gun "ba hoo hoo" has got me all riled up.

Those of you who know me, and those of you that see the significance of my handle will know where I sit.

The frustrating part is all the hangun viloence that is going on right now.

Are you guys aware of the Liberal knee jerk reaction is?... Ban all handguns. yup that's going to help. Take away all the legal guns from the law abiding citizens.

Then there's the talk about max sentences. Well, since the introduction of the max sentances for gun related crimes, not 1 criminal has received the max sentance. A lot of help in raising the max sentance as suggested by our gov't crooks.

Then there's the billion dollar gun registery, you really think that this registery that contains information about legal guns have helped....

Did you guys know that:

The 2 kids picked up with an illegal gun and possible link to the boxing day shooting , just got out of jail for robbery . They did 30 days !
The two men in custody have been identified as a 17-year-old youth and a 20-year-old man recently released on probation after serving 30 days for a convenience store robbery.


I know I am presenting the problems, and to be a model citizen, should be presenting solutions. We have the solutions all ready in place, we just need to follow through and "prosectue to the fullest extent of the law", and not release on bail 3 days afterwards.

but back on topic,... my condolences to the Creba family, I could not imagine burying one of my little ones.


Last edited by 4ptbuck; 12-31-2005 at 12:13 AM.
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Old 12-31-2005, 02:27 AM
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2 words -- capital punishment.

the judicidary system in way to lenient in the wrong places. criminals do not deserve cival rights.
a tout le monde, a tous les amis.
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Last edited by Invigor; 12-31-2005 at 02:31 AM.
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Old 12-31-2005, 03:10 AM
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All I can say is,this thread didnt make me look at gun laws any harder,or feel the need to implement my opinions about them......what it DID do was make me give my children an extra hug extra good word,an extra 'I love you'. Death at any rate is horrible,but a senseless one like this reminds us how fragile life is,and how easy it can be taken.Its unfortunate we need something like this to happen,to remind us of what we hold dear.All we can really do is hope we let our loved ones know how much we love them,and cherish them every single day.You truly dont know what tomorrow will bring,so appreciate what you have today,and say the things that need saying.........

May god bless you Jane,and your family.
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Old 12-31-2005, 04:19 AM
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Originally Posted by Invigor
2 words -- capital punishment.

the judicidary system in way to lenient in the wrong places. criminals do not deserve cival rights.
I'm with ya an eye for an eye

I reserve the right to hijack any thread I want to!!

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Old 12-31-2005, 05:03 AM
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Default minimum

Originally Posted by 4ptbuck
The frustrating part is all the hangun viloence that is going on right now.

Are you guys aware of the Liberal knee jerk reaction is?... Ban all handguns. yup that's going to help. Take away all the legal guns from the law abiding citizens.

Then there's the talk about max sentences. Well, since the introduction of the max sentances for gun related crimes, not 1 criminal has received the max sentance. A lot of help in raising the max sentance as suggested by our gov't crooks.

Then there's the billion dollar gun registery, you really think that this registery that contains information about legal guns have helped....
With all the handgun violence right now, many people in the lower mainland should be a little concern because the ones responsible have as little appreciation for life as the ones who killed Jane. Three shootings in the Lower Mainland over the week where one nearly took the life of another innocent teenager who was sleeping in his bed.

I believe the talks are about minimum sentences - not maximum. The maximum is already as maximum can be - LIFE IN PRISON. But then again on the other hand, there is also a maximum sentence of LIFE IN PRISON for a person who commits a break and enter into a dwelling house. This has NEVER been given to an individual regardless of the number of times they have been convicted of that same criminal offence.

The talks about minimum sentences..... now we are talking. Since the introduction of minimum sentences with gun related offences, there have been numerous criminals who have been locked up for that minimum. I wonder if they were to impose a minimum sentence simply for illegally possessing a handgun, if less criminals will be incline to carry one with them?
If people don't die, it wouldn't make living important.
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