This skimmer was created by Scott at Aquatic Sytems Design in Kansas City and he does amazingly exceptional work! He is building my new skimmer but it'll be a bit bigger.
The dimensions are -
> footprint: 16x20
> height: 29"
> tubing diamter: cell cast acrylic tubing, 8" OD
It is powered by 2 GenX 2400 pumps with a custom venturi Scott produced. It makes some wicked skimmate that is dark and just smells like poo!!
This is a quote for a skimmer that my brother may buy for me as a wedding gift.
Has anyone heard of this company (Aquatic Systems Design)? Are they any good?
I am looking at the Venturi aspect and it somewhat appeals to me.
Basically i have an option of this one or an ASM G3 for a gift. With an ASM it does leak and is in sump only, this other one is a recirculation one and can work in sump or externally. Does anyone have comments or concerns about either or?
From what i can gather, the bigger skimmer is good for up to 250 gallons.
and costs about $700 canadain new (i can get it for about $380)
Please let me know as i just feel like i am floudering with all these choices