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Old 09-06-2018, 02:19 AM
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Default When's the last time you cleaned your T5 reflectors?

T5 bulbs have increased by at least 40% since I started reefing 6 years ago.
During a bulb change tonight I looked at my reflectors. They only looked dusty, but I decided to wipe them down. Holee crap, the black soot was thick. So much so that I'm currently soaking the rags I used before they go in the laundry.
And no, it's not nicotine. We haven't smoked in the house for years.
It's road dust and smog. Black crap that blows through the house when we have the windows open.

And another no in case you were thinking it.
It's not from the forest fires. That stuff is on my truck right now and is more orange/yellow in color.

I replace 2 of my 8 bulbs every 3 months, and wipe the splash guard then, but haven't wiped the reflectors for over 6 years.
I'll be keeping them cleaner from now on
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