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Old 08-17-2018, 10:33 PM
Blahblahblar Blahblahblar is offline
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Default LF : Emerald crab

looking for an emerald crab to keep some bubble algae in check, let me know your price. Pm me or Text me at 778 552 0098.
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Old 08-18-2018, 03:32 AM
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Just an FYI for ya ...
May not be your best option using an emerald. If I remember correctly, all they do is eat their favorite parts, but let some spoors go/float around, so all that's happening is they create a constant food supply for themselves. If they open up a bubble that's ripe for spreading around your tank, guess what happens?

Just ask WarDog what happened to him when he added emeralds to his 65g ....
Major bubble algae outbreak that took over his whole tank

Before I changed tanks a couple years ago, I tried and it did nothing for me except to increase the amount of small bubbles I needed to remove from my overflow weekly

You're best to manually remove them.
If they are big and soft, use a siphon and scrape them off with a separate tool. The big ones are the most concerning for you. They are ripe with spoors.
If you try to manually remove them without a siphon they will spread through your tank when they burst.
If they're still small and hard, you can most likely remove them easily with anything you can scrape them off with and net them or use the siphon for all of them.
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