Until Friday 6 pm, this is only for sale as complete setup; if not sold by then, it will be parted out over the weekend.
Everything is 6 or 7 months old; tank has been up and running for 6 or 7 months.
The tank is a AquaMaxx Tall Cuboid (Low-Iron Rimless Aquarium - 32.1 Gallon Dimensions L x W x H: 23.7" x 17.8" x 17.8") setup in a peninsula configuration. Water flows from the main tank through a Glass holes Super Nano con Dientes Overflow Box. The water flows through a InTank three shelf media basket currently setup with filter floss/XL biopellets/chaeto. Lighting for the chaeto is from a Innovative Marine ChaetoMax Refugium LED; heater is a 125 watt Ebo-Jager. The external hang on back skimmer is a Seapora Storm, which returns back in the final rear chamber to the 300gph return pump. The LED fixture is a Gealth Led 30x3w Dimmable 90w Full Spectrum LED Aquarium Light and a separate LED night light. Additional water movement in the main tank is provided by a Rossmont Mover M-Series Circulation Pump. An eLIFEconnection 100H AQ2 programmable powerbar controls the LED, circulation pump, fuge light and night light.
Marco Rock was used for "live rock" the tank currently hosts: clown fish, red bubble tip anemone, two green hairy mushrooms, leather coral, Tyree Toadstool, mix of snails and a fire shrimp.
Also includes all related equipment such as chemicals, food, refractometer, PH tester, nets, etc.
Can also include a 20 gallon tank for $20 that can be used as a holding tank while the main is being re-setup.
Total cost new is around $1500, selling for $350 FIRM.