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Old 01-25-2017, 08:56 PM
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Default Fluconazole VS. Bryopsis Discussion Thread

Another member (Thanks Dearth) posted a link to another forum discussing the use use of an Anti-Fungal fish medication called Fluconazole to kill Bryopsis algae. It has been an ugly battle for many years in the hobby, not won by many. People used to raise their Magnesium levels with Kent Tech-M to 1600 and higher, but since they must've changed their recipe it no longer seems to have an effect. I've tried it 4 times without success

Fluconazole comes with several different trade names and packaging. The gel capsules are not used in the treatment, they are emptied into tank water and dissolved the best you can (it won't completely dissolve apparently)
Heres an example of the medication.

And heres and example of what it can do to Bryopsis in 8 Days

Day 1.....Day 5....Day 8

The above tank was dosed with 20mg per 1 gallon of tank water (5mg/L). Only one time with no other changes to the tank. Theres a little bit more algae there in the last photo but this is a current treatment and should be completely gone in another day or 2. Another dosing rate has been mentioned @ 9mg/L with success as well but doesnt look like you need that much based on these photos ^^^

i don't know of any source in Canada that sells this product without a prescription, but hopefully one day and more time and tests are done that your local fish store may begin to carry it. It can be purchased currently online in the US and shipped here though. Personal experience anyways, no guarantees Canada Customs will continue to allow this...

Discuss if you must.
If you try it please share your results!
And please do your research first beyond this thread! This is a place to discuss, I'm not telling anyone they SHOULD try this. But if you have Bryopsis and would like to get rid of it, this looks very promising....amazing
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Old 01-25-2017, 09:20 PM
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Originally Posted by GoFish View Post
Another member (Thanks Dearth) posted a link to another forum discussing the use use of an Anti-Fungal fish medication called Fluconazole to kill Bryopsis algae. It has been an ugly battle for many years in the hobby, not won by many. People used to raise their Magnesium levels with Kent Tech-M to 1600 and higher, but since they must've changed their recipe it no longer seems to have an effect. I've tried it 4 times without success

Fluconazole comes with several different trade names and packaging. The gel capsules are not used in the treatment, they are emptied into tank water and dissolved the best you can (it won't completely dissolve apparently)
Heres an example of the medication.

And heres and example of what it can do to Bryopsis in 8 Days

Day 1.....Day 5....Day 8

The above tank was dosed with 20mg per 1 gallon of tank water (5mg/L). Only one time with no other changes to the tank. Theres a little bit more algae there in the last photo but this is a current treatment and should be completely gone in another day or 2. Another dosing rate has been mentioned @ 9mg/L with success as well but doesnt look like you need that much based on these photos ^^^

i don't know of any source in Canada that sells this product without a prescription, but hopefully one day and more time and tests are done that your local fish store may begin to carry it. It can be purchased currently online in the US and shipped here though. Personal experience anyways, no guarantees Canada Customs will continue to allow this...

Discuss if you must.
If you try it please share your results!
And please do your research first beyond this thread! This is a place to discuss, I'm not telling anyone they SHOULD try this. But if you have Bryopsis and would like to get rid of it, this looks very promising....amazing

Is that just one dose and wait 8 days?
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Old 01-25-2017, 09:29 PM
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Yes, one dose and no ill effects
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Old 01-25-2017, 10:05 PM
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And for ease of reference. More info can be found here...
My battle with Bryopsis...

Example of successful treatment...
Day 1

Day 10
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Old 01-25-2017, 11:02 PM
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Simply astonishing. I'm definitely on board to try this on my own tank.

But I assume I have to rehome my chaeto first. I know there was some mention of maybe macros being safe in the linked-to threads but I don't recall seeing anything too definitive (I might have overlooked it and it's been a few days since I checked in on those threads, but honestly it stands to reason that if you're going after algae that "other algaes" might become collateral damage..).
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Old 01-25-2017, 11:26 PM
rockworm rockworm is offline
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I am now at day 4 after dosing fluconazole and it has not affected the caulerpa that I have in my sump. It also does not affect the green algae film that grows on the glass. (bummer)

I posted a couple of pictures in the 'Interesting Read' thread:

The bryopsis was white yesterday and today it is literally disintegrating. Vibrant and now fluconazole seem to be two significant products for our reef systems. The only unknown, at this point, is the long term effects on corals, fish and inverts.

Originally Posted by Delphinus View Post
Simply astonishing. I'm definitely on board to try this on my own tank.

But I assume I have to rehome my chaeto first. I know there was some mention of maybe macros being safe in the linked-to threads but I don't recall seeing anything too definitive (I might have overlooked it and it's been a few days since I checked in on those threads, but honestly it stands to reason that if you're going after algae that "other algaes" might become collateral damage..).
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Old 01-26-2017, 01:33 AM
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Awesome stuff guys. Thanks for sharing.
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Old 01-26-2017, 07:53 AM
iamfrontosa iamfrontosa is offline
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Next time I go to Thailand, I will buy a bunch.
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Old 01-26-2017, 03:57 PM
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^^why do you have to go to Thailand to buy when they have it here and can ship to your door.

Bryant those pics are super impressive. Damn now I got pills to last a lifetime of bryopsis outbreaks!
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Old 01-26-2017, 05:06 PM
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According to Wiki, Fluconazole is a Perscription drug in Canada and the US. However, if you continue reading it says this: Fluconazole is sold as a single 150 mg dose over the counter in Canada under the brand names Monicure / Monistat and Canesten.
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