I'm Omar new to the hobby and new here. I have a 55 gallon reef tank I have started up I've had it going for 5-6 weeks now and just introduced two clownfish to my tank yesterday. I am worried my power head may be too strong as it seems as if the little one is really struggling but I'm not sure as this is my first fish and don't know what normal looks like. (Ill post pictures later) I have about 20lbs of live rock and 25lbs of dry rock and have let the tank cycle (or at least I hope I did) I have a bunch of little cleaners in here off the live rock and bought two snails and like 20 hermit crabs so far for clean up and have even discovered one or two starfish in the rock.
I hope to add corals once I can afford them as this set up has already cost me an arm and a leg. Also wish I did more research online to buy used items but oh well. I'm looking for some help, advice, and guidance from anyone; would even like to meet people if they are inclined to come see my tank give my pointers or help me out as I am always second guessing myself on if I am doing things the right way.
Look forward to getting to know everyone