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Old 08-04-2016, 02:08 PM
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Default Do you provide seaweed for your Tangs 24/7?

I've come across several articles recently that recommend Tangs be provided with 24/7 seaweed.

I don't agree with this in theory because, assuming the tank isn't packed with Tangs, they will get a lot of natural algae by grazing, also assuming the tank isn't completely barren of algae, though I've never tried it. I also think that by providing seaweed 24/7 it will make them lazy and they'll just be gorging on the seaweed instead of cleaning the tank! Not to mention that Tangs are absolute pigs and would look "pregnant" 24/7 if they were provided that much food. Maybe it wears off for them, and they are less piggy if it's always there?

Anyway, does anyone actually do this? How much do they actually consume each day when supplied 24/7? Are they less likely to gorge themselves when they are fed constant like this? Do they still do a good job grazing the tank?

How often does everyone provide seaweed, if not 24/7?
~ Mindy

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Last edited by Myka; 08-04-2016 at 02:30 PM.
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Old 08-04-2016, 03:20 PM
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I have a Yellow and a Naso tang in my tank. I feed a piece of nori about 2" x 3" daily. They and the rest of the crew devour it very quickly when I put it in, and continue grazing the rest of the time. Both tangs are quite healthy.

I can't imagine needing to keep a constant source in there for them and how much that would even be. I get that in nature they would have infinite sources available to them 24/7 and would graze regularly, but they would also be expending much greater energy swimming on a reef and would also grow much larger than an in aquarium. You would also have the potential for water quality problems with higher feeding levels. This might be a good practice in a very large tank (500+ gal) with multiple tangs. I can't see it being practical with average sized reef tanks and one or two tangs.
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Old 08-04-2016, 05:26 PM
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Ive only had my 2 tangs for a few months but neither have ever touched seaweed when ive offered either on a clip or tied to a rock. Evem tried a few brands and what not. The Anthias end up eating it when it falls apart by the next day. They both graze off the glass and rocks all day however.
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Old 08-04-2016, 06:18 PM
SeaHorse_Fanatic SeaHorse_Fanatic is offline
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I feed both nori sheets (sushi "paper") and pieces torn from the seaweed they sell for making soup. The latter are way cheaper. At King's Market on Kingsway west of Gilley, it's $2/pack and a pack is 50g or equivalent to 25 Nori sheets, so very economical. $8 for four soup seaweed packs versus $15-25 for 100 sheets of Nori (both about 200g). My tangs love both and I go through the equivalent of 2 or 3 sheets a day at the most.

I have 7 med-large tangs, 2 med-large rabbitfish and a small porcupine puffer that all love seaweed. I feed it now maybe 5 times a week. Often just one sheet a day but once a week I'll give them more. And yes, it makes for a high bioload.

Last edited by SeaHorse_Fanatic; 08-04-2016 at 06:21 PM.
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Old 08-06-2016, 03:05 AM
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I endeavour to keep the nori clip stocked with a small sheet, inch or two square. Generally need to take care of that daily, so one could say 24/7. I have a single Yellow Tang & the clip has been a useful gauge for me to monitor if he/she/it is getting sufficient sustenance. He/she/it is not the greatest tank grazer..... don't see much of that going on at all. He/she/it is not the only customer at the nori clip though, my Singapore Angelfish is right there whenever I attach a fresh sheet. Even my Mama Maroon Clownfish partakes. I've witnessed her tear off a good size chunk from the clip & duke it out with the Tang on occasion when I let the last bit float that has been stuck in the clip when I refresh. From my experience, all my critters know when they've had enough. Once the initial frenzy after I add a fresh sheet is over, it quite often sits untouched for hours. Both the Tang & the Angel also gorge on mysis & brine during the evening feeding, but the Mama Clown vacuums most of that stuff up in no time. The Singapore also picks at the rock work presumably taking pods & such. None of my fish look like they're starving nor are they obese... An Eheim auto feeder dispenses flakes & pellets 3 times a day, everyone gets in on that too.
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Last edited by mike31154; 08-06-2016 at 03:14 AM.
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