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Old 09-15-2016, 09:18 PM
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Default Large Electirc Blue Hermit Crab Opinions

Hey All,

I inherited this fella in my RSM 250. His shell is about 3 - 4". Once the tank was moved to my house I decided to add a few snails to help with cleanup while tank was cycling etc. Since then I think I have one snail left.

I've been debating to find him a new home, however he is interesting to watch and the kids like to find him in the tank.

So, do I keep him or find him a new home and start my snail collection over? Or just keep him without snails etc.

I also wanted to add a couple skunk cleaners. Any chance he would or could get a hold of them?

Do hermit crabs in general have any inherent value other then entertainment?

Thoughts would be appreciated.
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Old 09-15-2016, 10:31 PM
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Do you have a fuge or rocky area in the sump you can put him?

Id ditch the hermit for snails personally.
but some people love their hermits.
I finally got a bunch to live in my sump, they are pretty cute. But I will never put one in my display.
Perhaps the kids may enjoy watching some Super Tongan Nassarius snails rise from the sand to find food!
Or if your corals are glued down properly, get a strawberry top hat for the kids to try and find.
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Old 09-15-2016, 10:44 PM
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No sump or fuge. Red Sea Max 250 has a rear reservoir behind the display. I'm leaning in the direction you've mentioned. Corals aren't glued down and I wasn't planning on it since the display is evolving as we go for awhile anyway. Ironically I see the snails more often than the crab. I'll look into the strawberry hat. Tx much.

Last edited by Finley; 09-15-2016 at 10:45 PM. Reason: Addition
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Old 09-15-2016, 10:56 PM
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Originally Posted by Finley View Post
No sump or fuge. Red Sea Max 250 has a rear reservoir behind the display. I'm leaning in the direction you've mentioned. Corals aren't glued down and I wasn't planning on it since the display is evolving as we go for awhile anyway. Ironically I see the snails more often than the crab. I'll look into the strawberry hat. Tx much.
If the corals aren't glued down don't get a strawberry top hat haha. They will bulldoze everything off the rocks. I ended up trading in the ones I had because I was sick of loosing corals to the abyss I couldn't reach.

Astraea snails
Definitely get the Tongan Nassarius their so fun to watch. (tongans are bigger then the regular ones)
some people like Turbo Snails.
So many snails you can get.
Maybe get a few Cowries? The cheaper ones, I think those are the ring cowries. THey look so cool when their mantle covers their shell. And their hard to spot in the tank so those could replace the "Find the crab"
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Old 09-16-2016, 03:05 AM
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Hermits do have their merits where it comes to cleaning rock/sand, but one that size would have me nervous with anything it can get a hold of.

Besides the snails Gina mentioned, Trochus snails are a great addition and can be added regardless of their tank mates. They have a unique ability to thwart attackers by 'twisting' their shell to shake off predators.
They also blend in fairly well so it'll keep the kids entertained if you tell them to find 'x' # you added. Plus they'll get to see them on the glass - watching their mouths, eyes and feelers (for lack of the proper word).
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