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View Poll Results: Do you follow advancement, news and politics involving SW
Yes, I stay current with everything 8 12.31%
No, I wait for others to tell me 7 10.77%
Just advancements in tech and/or equipment 12 18.46%
Just the news and/or politics 2 3.08%
I follow a little bit of everything 27 41.54%
No, I see no point in following any of it 9 13.85%
Voters: 65. You may not vote on this poll

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Old 05-18-2016, 05:36 AM
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Default Do you keep current on SW developments

As the title suggests do you try to keep current with new salt water technology, news or even politics involving SW

Personally I do my best to stay updated in the tech, tanks and equipment but it can be hard as because the hobby has become quite popular and more and more affordable advances are made in tech, tanks and equipment sometimes on a daily basis sadly though that also means bad news happens along with advancement in fish and coral news usually
My aquarium is nothing but a smorgasbord for my cats.....

Last edited by Dearth; 05-18-2016 at 05:42 AM.
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Old 05-18-2016, 02:07 PM
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I try to stay onto of everything. I find it particularly interesting of the methods and advancements in Europe specifically. I can't wait for Interzoo this year as well.

The only bummer is it either takes a long time for those products to come to North America or sometimes they are basically inaccessible.

For instance Elos aquariums; Man I would love one of those, but it's impossible to get in Canada unless you import from the US

Okay, bit of a rant/off topic, but yes, I do try to keep up with everything. Voted.
- Jordon
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Old 05-19-2016, 03:31 PM
JoshL JoshL is offline
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Originally Posted by Jordon View Post

For instance Elos aquariums; Man I would love one of those, but it's impossible to get in Canada unless you import from the US

Okay, bit of a rant/off topic, but yes, I do try to keep up with everything. Voted.
I really do not understand why Elos doesn't sell directly to Canada. Doesn't seem like good business. I have money... I would buy these setups.... They don't sell them here.
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Old 05-19-2016, 05:55 PM
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Originally Posted by JoshL View Post
I really do not understand why Elos doesn't sell directly to Canada. Doesn't seem like good business. I have money... I would buy these setups.... They don't sell them here.
I emailed CoralVue which is supposedly the "North American" distributor for ELOS (Ugh, that grinds my gears...) [Hello?! Canada is part of North America!]

They replied back and said they are getting a shipment of the Diamond Line aquariums in June and to check their site for more info after that. I'll probably keep checking, so if I find anything out I'll fill you guys in.
- Jordon
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