I recently introduced my fowleri tang into my DT. It has been 6 days and my orange shoulder tang (juvenile colours, 4-5") has been bullying it unrelentingly. It goes out of its way to chase around the fowleri (same size) and the poor guy hasn't been able to settle down well. It still eats frozen/pellets but nori time it doesn't get any because the OST would chase it away, even if I put two different nori's at two ends of my 8' tank.

The OST before this was the nicest fish, never bothers anybody, just minds its own business. I guess the introduction of another Acanthurus did not help, but I had thought that the general tame nature of the OST would be okay for the fowleri...
I can sense the fowleri is definitely very stressed and I don't know if they'll ever work it out if status quo is maintained. Should I take the OST into the sump for a timeout? Or just leave them be and hopefully it'll subside? I won't consider selling either fish unless it's an absolute last resort, I love them both equally. Any ideas?