Hey everyone, this is far from the first and I'm sure won't be the last post asking for advice on Algae control, but I think I have a little different question. I'm aware that nuisance algae (and cyano etc.) arise from phosphates, nitrates, silicates in the water column and are a natural result, but my question however is around removing the algae once the source of the nutrients is found and corrected (RODI filter elements overdue for replacement)
I'm winning the battle against the cyano by siphoning through a filter sock followed by a 10% WC, but the green hair algea (looks like this:
http://www.waldonell.com/workspace/r.../_j8t2070.jpeg) that is covering 75% of the LR is pretty stubborn, and even hard to scrub off of the rocks that I can easily remove from the tank. I'm running Rowaphos in a reactor and trying to do mechanical cleaning but it's tough. If I continue with regular WC's and running Rowa can I expect the hair algae to fade away on its own or am I going to have to take a more active roll in physically removing it?
Also I'm assuming that the LR and sand bed have been saturated with whatever nutrient(s) caused the issue, how long would one expect it to take for the Algae and Cyano to feed off those nutrients and take it with them when I physically remove it? I feel like I've been at this forever and only recently has the Cyano regrowth begun to slow.
Thanks in advance