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Old 02-21-2015, 02:49 AM
Metrontech Metrontech is offline
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Default Heater? or Heather(s)

OK, so I have 4 Eheim Jager heaters

150W x 2

All of these are so inaccurate and now I can't maintain the temp in my tank

So now that I am in the market get a better setup for my temp control I could use some help

Do I run 1 in the sump and 1 in the display?

Or 1 in the sump...or 1 alone in the display?

What brand?

Watt size for a 55 display and 30 gal sump?

Tanks again
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Old 02-21-2015, 03:26 AM
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ive tried most heaters on the market and my fav are the eheim jagers and cobalt lines. If you are starting to find the heaters to be inaccurate, I would get a controller to regulate them.
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Old 02-21-2015, 03:30 AM
Metrontech Metrontech is offline
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Problem is I can't get 3 of them to even stop turning on

No matter what temperature I set them to

Even the absolute lowest temp and it still stays on

So frustrating, and it seems like my new 4 bulb t5 lights are causing it to stay at 79.5 and then at night of course if gets really cold


Originally Posted by Kraken View Post
ive tried most heaters on the market and my fav are the eheim jagers and cobalt lines. If you are starting to find the heaters to be inaccurate, I would get a controller to regulate them.
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Old 02-21-2015, 03:32 AM
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How old are your heaters?
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Old 02-21-2015, 04:59 AM
Metrontech Metrontech is offline
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They are within 3 months. I just moved one from another tank which has kept temp for 1 year. Now it won't shut off in my sw tank. I am wondering if my thermometer is wrong... Oh man !
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Old 02-21-2015, 05:05 AM
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Originally Posted by Metrontech View Post
OK, so I have 4 Eheim Jager heaters

150W x 2

All of these are so inaccurate and now I can't maintain the temp in my tank

So now that I am in the market get a better setup for my temp control I could use some help

Do I run 1 in the sump and 1 in the display?

Or 1 in the sump...or 1 alone in the display?

What brand?

Watt size for a 55 display and 30 gal sump?

Tanks again
Heaters are one of the cheapest items in this hobby, chuck the broken ones into the bin! Jager heaters are the best IMO, I'm surprised yours are hooped.

I'd run 2 in the sump, 1 for main, 1 as a back up, each at 200W. You could probably get away with using 150Watts.

It would be even better if you had 'em hooked up to an Apex!
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Old 02-21-2015, 06:26 AM
jason604 jason604 is offline
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thats a lot of heaters for a small tank... i just keep 1 in my sump. You dont want equipments in ur display thats y we have sumps in the first place. Jager heaters are not all calibrated perfectly to the temp they show. Use a thermometer and set it up once to the temp u want and leave it like that forever n dont touch it. For example my jager heater shows its temp is 72 and it is actually maintains temp at 79 deg. Hope this helps if u need more clarification just pm me n ill gladly help or check brs jager heater calibration video they have
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Old 02-21-2015, 12:47 PM
Benwilder Benwilder is offline
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If you read the directions it shows you how to calibrate your jäger heater google it and check the video out... If your planning on upgrading your tank you should run a loop system and coil from your hot water heater. Much more efficient can be used to cool aswel and WAY more reliable

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Old 02-21-2015, 12:49 PM
Benwilder Benwilder is offline
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I just read your tank size forget what I said... Check your sump water level or any water level if it gos up and down and lets the heater change temp at one end it can cause it to get stuck on

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Old 02-21-2015, 01:25 PM
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For $3, why not get a new thermometer? It would be very odd that you have 3 heaters that suddenly are stuck on. Have you confirmed that the heaters are getting warm? Just because the light is on doesn't mean it's working properly. I've had this happen recently. Light came on, but element didn't get warm. Is all your other equipment working fine? There was no surge in your power or something?

You can calibrate Jager heaters by lifting the blue "knob" on the end of the dry end. It takes quite a pull to lift it, then you can move the numbered dial around without changing the setting on the heater. I have a feeling that you've been messing around with the heaters' dials a lot and they are just all whacked out now.

You say the light stays on even if at the lowest setting? If I were you I'd get out a 5-gallon pail, fill it with tap water at 78 degrees (or close to the temp you want tank to be, don't fuss too much). Put one heater in the pail, turn it down to the lowest setting, come back in 20 mins and see if it's still on. If the light is on, pull the heater out and check that the heater is actually warm. If it is indeed overheating the bucket of water, lift the blue knob, turn the numbers so it's now at the highest setting, push the blue knob back in, and turn the heater down more. Do this a few times and see if you can get the light to go off and the element to stop heating. You can have a pail for each heater if you want, but only have one heater at a time in a bucket.

Also, sometimes it takes a few minutes, maybe 10, for the heater to adjust to the new setting, so wait at least 10 minutes before adjusting it again, but better off waiting an hour or so and checking the temperature on the thermometer rather than going by the light indicator.

FWIW, I use two heaters in each tank. I have 2x 100W Jagers in my 50-gallon + 30 sump.
~ Mindy

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Last edited by Myka; 02-21-2015 at 01:27 PM.
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